Inspired by recent discussions, I think Hexbear has a lot of good information about socialism but I wonder if the relentless defense of AES on Hexbear means shooting ourselves in the foot, since many potential leftists have been thoroughly primed to react negatively to AES states?
We’re not getting our messages out when progressive instances have already pre-emptively blocked us and calling us “tankies”.
People are being turned away without even taking the opportunity to read some of the stuff here, because they already have a pre-conceived notion about Hexbear being filled with “crazy tankies who defend totalitarianism”.
I know there have been a lot of propaganda and fabrication being perpetuated about socialist countries, and it feels “right” to defend them against these false accusations, but I wonder if this is doing more harm than good for the present day nascent socialist movement, at least in the Western countries?
We can remain on the current course and feel indignant about the tankie accusations, but will forever remain as a niche “tankie” community.
Or, we can open ourselves up, by toning down the admiration for the socialist states so we are not being treated as hostile by the other instances, and thus opening up the opportunities to have productive interactions with users (and potential leftists) from other instances?
(I do have my own position, you probably know which one it is, but I’m willing to hear from others and reevaluate my own opinions if needed).
EDIT: Thanks to everyone who responded. All points are well taken. Thank you.
So shoot those Polish fascists. Don't shoot the Polish liberal college professor you've got in your custody as a proxy.
So if it were random, unaligned summary executions, that would be okay? Cause from my point of view summary executions of innocent people is intrinsically bad, regardless of what theoretical framework we decide to explain them with.
Is there a particular Polish mayor the Soviets killed in Katyn that you had in mind, or are you constructing a contra-factual counter-example out of whole cloth?
Maybe, maybe not! Like you said it's not certain. Just a probability. It'll depend on the material conditions on the ground at the time.
So don't put it on your fuckin platform like it's something you hope to do.
Is that what happened? I've been asking questions towards that end that you ignored.
You say "innocent" but we haven't established that they were innocent or even that that was more probable than them siding with fascists.
There was an infamous case of a Polish mayor that I was alluding to (actually I think there were a couple), but they were on the German side of the border because the point is that there were natively Polish pogroms and we know that even after the war, sections of the Polish population were taking any excuse to commit genocide on any minority (e.g. Germans during the postwar relocations). I know some claims about demographic information, but I know of only like one or two individual identities of people killed in Katyn.
I've only seen that put on an ML platform in anarcho-bidenist memes and that one tasteless and self-deprecating joke about communists in Disco Elysium. No one is saying "Let us aspire to kill as many people without trial as possible", you are battling a phantom in your brain that I can do little to help you overcome, unless you are just finding a way to concern troll about atrocity propaganda
Isn't it?
As far as I can tell, none of these people were executed for any particular crimes; they were executed for being members of counter-revolutionary parties and things like that. And shooting some doctor solely because he's a liberal shithead is a bad thing.
Like if we're so eager to strip the smallest modicum of value to human life, what's the fucking point of fighting for a better future? I'm a communist because capitalism as an ideology attaches absolutely 0 value to human life and has absolutely no compunctions of squeezing out life for 'value' across the globe. And so when we go to people and tell them a better future is possible, I don't know why we're so quick to add "yes that better future does feature a whole lot of firing squads, and we're not altogether too picky about who ends up in front of one".
I'm not even saying you need to condemn the Katyn massacre or the like. I'm just saying you don't need to defend it. We're not Lavrenty Beria, so the Katyn massacre isn't our problem unless we decide to make it our problem. And what possibly benefit could we gain from taking on it's defense?
Are the horrors of capitalism orders of magnitude worse? Sure, but for a lot of people they're baked into the cake, and they don't even see them, and when they do they're nearly always portrayed as regrettable, accidental, or unavoidable. The fact that we're letting capitalism seem more humane than communism to the general populous because we can't muster anything beyond a "idk, they probably would have sided with the fascists or something, too bad and git gud" is an absolute travesty.
Well given they were in Soviet custody as prisoners of war, I'd say the probability of them siding with the fascists was approaching 0%. No one is saying release them all immediately. But liquidating 20,000 people based on vibes about what they might do is a bad thing.
Well, here's a hexbear search for "excuses terror"! There's only about 20 pages of results, but luckily about half of those are some variation of "we might having to start making excuses".
For your efforts in concern trolling, you're so incredibly lazy. Do you think I'm a complete moron? Like, I don't expect you to respect me, but come the fuck on. Fine, let's use fucking NATOpedia in one of its worst capacities:
As far as you can tell, really? Let's look at the very second paragraph of your link:
Maybe it's true, maybe it is not, but the charge was more severe than "member of a liberal party," though the shitty article doesn't even begin to delve into why it was done beyond that expression of the charge and then these paragraphs:
Remembering what a "hostile source" is (I think you might struggle with that), this is actually kind of interesting. It sure would be nice if the assholes at the CIA could have hosted a source with a full translation of the order, rather than just a sentence fragment.
In any case, I am beginning to understand it better and in the context of the imminent (though still underestimated) Nazi invasion, I see the value in killing cops and military [which seem to be what almost all of them were, the so-called "intelligentsia" were also mainly in the military, though as conscripts and seem to be best understood as militarily-trained masses] who the extensive interview process deemed a threat in the case of Nazis breaking them out of jail. Considering that the Nazis would sweep through Poland like a whirlwind not long after, there seems to me to be objects of legitimate consideration here.
And again, you must think I'm a moron. It's a quote from Marx, and it does not refer to indiscriminate killing. In fact, it has as much to do with the destruction of state machinery and private property, and the destruction of liberal society as anything else:
I don't know very much about the killing in Katyn and you have done little to educate me, so I must ask questions. When it comes to actions of my own, or actions that I actually do know about -- you mentioned the "Holodomor" earlier like the miserable concern troll you are; the kulaks who were shot had it fucking coming and then some, while the peasants who starved were a tragedy the Soviets failed to avert -- making excuses and absurd appeals to things like "hospitality" have no place. If we understand what happened, we should offer the most direct and straightforward justification or we should condemn it (breaking the event down to constituent elements if we need to delineate). As Mao said, a revolution is not a dinner party, and love is not enough to defeat fascism, even if it is a good thing to hold as well. "Hospitality," on the other hand, can be thrown out altogether when it comes to dealing with the state or free reactionaries.
You're right, factory owner is a much more severe charge. But hey, why trust NATOpedia, why not trust Beria's own claims.
Yeah, but because we have clearly established, it's justified ipso facto for you. You trotted out one defense immediately to justify it, not knowing anything about it, and when it was pointed out to you how ahistorical that defense was, you've now got to concoct a justification based on their potential future actions. If I point out that none of the 400 odd prisoners that were spared execution and sent to the Russian interior ended up as a military threat in future, and so that your current justification also doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny, it's not suddenly going to stop being justified for you; The conclusion precedes the facts in this case.
In reality, all you have to say is "Look, I wasn't there, and don't know what happened, but as a communist I actually place value on human life, as opposed to capitalism, and oppose the use deadly violence except in cases of absolute necessity".
I know it's a quote from Marx, and I know you know it's a quote from Marx. But your characterization of it is a nice sterile abstraction from the boatloads of shooting and starving, some of which is bound to be indiscriminate, you know it to entail.
It really seems to fetishize the means of achieving communism, not the actual good bits of communism. "The Revolution is not a dinner party" is a fun bit of comedic understatement about how the revolution sucks. The hardships of the Long March sucked. We should wish to avoid those if at all possible!
One major advantage that NJR and idealists like him have over us lot is how much they seem to be looking forward to living in a communist society, as opposed to how much they look forward to serving in firing squads.
We don't. We can construct a narrative, but unless we share a huge overlap in worldview with who we're talking to, that narrative will carry precious little weight.
I'm specifically saying we don't have to make excuses. You're the one who feels the need to make excuses about all the future-crimes the Polish doctors were going to commit.
My tendency towards avoidance is getting to me, but luckily the degree to which you lean on personal accusations gives me better reason to ignore it.
Between the quote from Beria and the section I quoted before, screening for "Will each of these people immediately take up arms against us in the likely event of Germans kicking in the door and enabling slaughter like German occupied Poland is already seeing?" makes sense. I clearly had a defective understanding of the issue and I still don't really understand it, but your pathetic sneering may as well be about "the people's stick" for how compelling I find it.
No, you established that I have a weird reaction to the subject of Katyn, but I criticize the Soviets all the time and in fact probably have harsher criticisms of Lenin than most of the MLs on this board (and at least a slightly more articulated criticism of Stalin), and indeed I talk about these subjects every now and then, but it only gets so far and I only have so much patience for repeating myself just to fucking virtue signal that I'm not part of Stalin's personality cult or whatever. I have no interest in making such appeasements to a shithead concern troll like you.
"Starving" is a weird verb to pick here. Sure wonder why the guy that Definitely Doesn't Have Ahistorical Criticisms of Stalin would use that
Absolutely go fuck yourself. In the very same section I said "the kulaks who were shot had it coming and then some". Marx was speaking abstractly and I spoke in part in terms of his quote, but I also applied it, and your attempts at a manipulative framing of what I said to directly accuse me of the contrary are pathetic.
You're the one that brought it up as "regrettable". The subject didn't even cross my mind until you acknowledged it as an actual bad outcome.
Of the 400 who were to be shot by this metric who were eventually spared, how many of them actually did take up arms against the Soviets? They serve as a nice, though albeit imperfect control group over how valid this methodology actually was.
Because I've got you here and because this always comes up and because you're less annoying than 90% of the other ML's on here, I'm going to ask: What makes me a concern troll? What makes this concern trolling? They're quite clearly sincerely my views so I don't see how the typical definition of concern troll regarding disingenuous applies.
So what does this mean? Honestly, no gotcha.
Or to put it differently, is there any possible way for anyone having the positions on this I do an advocating for it not to be concern trolling?
Pure liberal historiography
Don't make me tap the sign
Read Lukács
You gonna read Rorty for me?
Yes, I will, half the time the point of my interactions online is to get people to drop shit like a piñata
Cool I'd start with Contginecy Irony and Solidarity, but Achieving Our Country is good and short too but you'll hate it.
Drop a couple Lukács reccs for me.
Georg Lukacs - The Destruction of Reason-Penguin Random House LLC (Publisher Services) (2021).epub 0.9 MB
You know how to interest me in documents
Motherfucker I sat through reading TR Fehrenbach