submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nodsocket@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I am not criticizing them, I'm just out of the loop.

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[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 10 points 11 months ago

Young people haven't experienced life yet and think communist is something good, despite 100 years of absolute failures and hundreds of millions of people starving, getting killed for things such as wearing glasses, and sent to work to death in prisons for having a different opinion.

Young people also over represent themselves on the transgender scale and don't realize they aren't actually special compared to the 7 billion people in the world, but like to feel special in their high school of 1,000 people.

Young people comprise the vast majority of people on the fediverse.

Young people will get a rude awakening once they find out they have to work for a living, provide to those they love and, once again, that their 'identity' doesn't matter to anyone else.

[-] Captainvaqina@sh.itjust.works 16 points 11 months ago

Lmao. Here's the bootlicker to vehemently defend the shit ass system stepping on his neck, whilst shitting on "young" ppl because that's the only thing left for him to feel better about his sad life.

Btw, I'm 37 and I still haven't become a lifeless drone who bitches about young ppl.

And before your next predictable retort; I'm successfully self employed and I work harder than you - I guarantee it.

Doesn't mean I can't advocate for a better life for the next generation because I had to work hard. Doesn't make me a special snowflake or better than anyone else.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago


Boot licker because...I think communism is bad?

Or because I think the youth obsessed with social media and gender identity will have a rude awakening when they actually have to get jobs?

Btw, I’m 37 and I still haven’t become a lifeless drone who bitches about young ppl.

Btw I'm 29 and I still haven't become a lifeless drone who bitches about young ppl. I bitch about idiots who think communism is good and gender identity is the most important thing in the world.

And before your next predictable retort; I’m successfully self employed and I work harder than you - I guarantee it.

And I don't care. I'm glad you're successful. I feel sorry for you that you work harder than I do.

I'm decently successful, working for a small company, and I work maybe 3-4 hours a day. I don't want to work, I want to live life. I'm living a great and happy life every day, that's what I strive for, I don't strive to work as hard as I can.

Doesn’t mean I can’t advocate for a better life for the next generation because I had to work hard

Are you talking about communism?

If you are self employed, it's because of anti-communism policies, and you have capitalism to thank.

You're welcome - from Capitalism.

[-] jerrimu@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

When your "gender identity" is under attack from people who literally want you exterminated, it just might be the most important thing in the world. None of my kids are Trans, but if they were I would fight for them. I fight for all the kids that are oppressed by wankers like you.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 0 points 11 months ago

Nobody is under attack.

There's some bigots, but what rights are under attack?

literally want you exterminated,

Not literally. Just because I recognize a man is a man, doesn't mean I literally want to kill them.

None of my kids are Trans, but if they were I would fight for them.

How? How would you fight for them? What rights do they not have that an average person has?

I fight for all the kids that are oppressed by wankers like you.

You don't fight for all kids, or you'd be protesting abortions.

[-] jerrimu@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Nope, I fight for kids that aren’t ready to be a parent, kids that do not want to deliver their abusers children. Being pro-life is defending a possibility over an actual sentient person.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Nope, I fight for kids that aren’t ready to be a parent

Plenty of people are waiting to adopt a baby, the 'kids' (who are often mid 20's-mid 30's) who don't want to have the responsibility of raising the child they chose to bring into the world, don't need to. There are lines of people wanting to adopt.

kids that do not want to deliver their abusers children

Can you expand on this?

Being pro-life is defending a possibility over an actual sentient person.

Defending the rights of a baby that can't fight for themselves*

We are defined by fighting for those who aren't strong enough to fight for themselves.

[-] jerrimu@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

It’s a blob of cells not a baby. I guess if I thought souls were real I could see where you’re coming from. And there are lines of people to adopt healthy Caucasian babies, sure but in reality many kids spend life in the system.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

It’s a blob of cells not a baby.

I disagree.

I guess if I thought souls were real I could see where you’re coming from.

I don't see it as a 'soul' - just a human life that deserves some sort of right to life.

And there are lines of people to adopt healthy Caucasian babies, sure but in reality many kids spend life in the system.

Do you have data that shows that caucasian babies are being adopted but brown babies aren't?

[-] markr@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

What rights? Well for example the right to get the medical care you need. The right to take a goddamn piss in a public toilet. The right to participate in society as you are, rather than a how some fascist demagogue has determined you should be.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 0 points 11 months ago

Well for example the right to get the medical care you need.

"Need" - define need? Is a sex change for a 13 year old a necessity? If a girl wants boob implants at age 13, that's not necessary.

The right to take a goddamn piss in a public toilet.

You forcing anybody into a specific restroom despite protests from the majority doesn't make you right. Women should use the women's restroom, guys should use the guys restroom. I have advocated for penis room vs vagina room, though.

The right to participate in society as you are

No, you want it as they 'identify.' Just because someone thinks they are something else, doesn't mean they are that thing. I used to be called 'doggy boy' because I liked digging holes. I wasn't literally a dog.

rather than a how some fascist demagogue has determined you should be.

Fascist demagogue = nature? I get you may have an issue with mother nature, but that's your fight, don't force everyone to abide by your unpopular view of the world.

[-] sorebuttfromsitting@sopuli.xyz 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

you're not anti communist or pro capitalist. you're out to get what you can for your own survival.

(not a bad thing, just don't lie)

And I don't care. I'm glad you're successful. I feel sorry for you that you work harder than I do.

I'm decently successful, working for a small company, and I work maybe 3-4 hours a day. I don't want to work, I want to live life. I'm living a great and happy life every day, that's what I strive for, I don't strive to work as hard as I can.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 0 points 11 months ago

you’re not anti communist or pro capitalist. you’re out to get what you can for your own survival.

I'm anti-communist and pro-capitalist. I don't care what you think I am, I'm about as pro-capitalist as you get.

You quoted me...so what? Is that supposed to prove some weird point of yours?

Capitalism isn't about working hard, it's about getting paid what you're worth. I get by on 1.2-1.3k hours a year in exchange for 100k. I could get closer to 140-150k if I wanted to work my ass off, I don'.

Being pro capitalist doesn't mean I need to work my ass off. A core principle says that two parties come together to agree to an exchange of services and pay, without another party (generally government) interfering.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

So you're saying all those Hollywood CEOs are being paid what they're worth? They turn out such a quality product?

[-] Captainvaqina@sh.itjust.works 3 points 11 months ago

I work hard because I want to retire in two years, not twenty.

I want to retire because I started out under the boot of surpressed wages because of the corruption incarnate in capitalism.

Someone like you with a cushy job (that sounds pretty ripe for being automated) has zero clue of the hardships inflicted on everyday working people. Maybe soon you will find out.

There is no way forward for the current system that doesn't crush millions of people with starvation and destitution. It's quite inevitable.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I work hard because I want to retire in two years, not twenty.

Sweet, and because of capitalism you can do that.

I want to retire because I started out under the boot of surpressed wages because of the corruption incarnate in capitalism.

You mean because when you started, you couldn't provide more than a small amount of value to your employer? It's not anyone elses fault that nobody wanted to pay you more than you earned.

Someone like you with a cushy job (that sounds pretty ripe for being automated) has zero clue of the hardships inflicted on everyday working people. Maybe soon you will find out.

Ahhhh yes, you know so much about my work history because you've only heard about what I've done the last two years. I went to 5 years of school, earned 2 degrees, the hardest certification in the united states that took 18 months of studying, while working full time.

I worked hard then, so I can have a 'cushy' job now. Once again, at the heart of capitalism is that you're worth what someone will pay you.

no way forward for the current system

Are you not the one that said that you 'started out under the boot' and now you do very well, and are self-employed? That you work so much harder than me (clearly a point of pride for you)?

That's because of capitalism, homie. Under communism, you just work forever for an even lower wage than you earned when you were 'under the boot,' and if you wanted to earn more - that's the thing! you couldn't! you either get jailed or killed. Communism is fun!

Ya know, there are a few communist countries that you should try and go to work for, if you prefer that!

[-] Captainvaqina@sh.itjust.works 4 points 11 months ago

Maybe work on your reading comprehension and come back to me whenever you don't find me advocating for cOmMuNisM.

I was merely mocking your naive worship of a broken and failed system.

Maybe one day you will wake you up when they automate your very useful 1-2 hours a day position.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Maybe work on your reading comprehension and come back to me whenever you don’t find me advocating for cOmMuNisM.

Marxism put into a political system has always been a form of communism. If you aren't arguing for that, why are you responding to a post and a comment about communism?

I was merely mocking your naive worship of a broken and failed system.

Because I acknowledge that capitalism isn't perfect, but it's by far the best political system that's taken more out of poverty than any other economic system doesn't mean I have naive worship. Also, it's not a broken and failed system. You want to see a broken and failed system? See every single communist country that's ever existed.

Maybe one day you will wake you up when they automate your very useful 1-2 hours a day position.

That won't make me communist. And my field is one of the few that are still hiring at a good pace, most tech companies are in a stand still and laying people off. My field has been steady for the last 100 years at least.

Regardless, I'm selling my work for a fair rate, and that's what capitalism is. If you are willingly working somewhere at an agreed upon price, thank capitalism.

[-] snailwizard@kbin.social 9 points 11 months ago

Some people have experiences which have left them embittered towards a younger, more hopeful generation. Despite 100's of years of exploitation, absolute failure, and hundreds of millions of people starving to death, getting killed for things such as not wanting to work weekends, and sent to work to death for having the absolute cajones to do what they need to do to provide for their loved ones, they STILL insist that capitalism is the only way forward because it's the only thing they've ever known.

The average human may not stand out amid 8 billion other people, but each and every person is unique and therefore special in their own way.

Everyone wants to work, to do something, but no one wants to have a job because your worth as a human shouldn't be tied to how much money you can earn for someone else. (And, inb4 "art is not a job", that is so fucking disingenuous; if you think that art isn't essential, then STOP listening to music, STOP watching television and movies, STOP reading books and newspapers, and then get back to me.) People naturally provide for those they care for and, news flash, people care about other people and their identities.

I know you're probably just trolling because you hate your life under capitalism and need to feel like you're a part of something, but like join the club bro.

[-] jerrimu@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

I'm 49 and still socialist. Working for a living is the core of communism. Workers are more populous and generate all the value, we would like a larger share of the value we create.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Working for a living is the core of communism.

totalitarianism is the core of communism.

Workers are more populous and generate all the value

Then negotiate, if you do create the value, then you can sell your services for more.

we would like a larger share of the value we create.

See above.

[-] jerrimu@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Sure because it’s just that easy, you’re not arguing in good faith at all, I’m out.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

It is.

If you want to get paid $20, find someone to pay you $20/hour

[-] NiftyBeaks@lemm.ee 5 points 11 months ago

Do you think the people who built these platforms are teens? I'm a 27 yo engineer and Marxist through and through. Just because workers unions of the past were overturned by tyrants and capitalists alike, doesn't mean the basic ideas weren't sound. The system in which I am forced to participate in is fundamentally flawed.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Do you think the people who built these platforms are teens?

I don't know who created this platform, but I doubt they're teens. The vast majority of users are young.

Marxist through and through.

Please educate yourself then. Marxism has only resulted in death and destruction. It has put countries back hundreds of years and have killed hundreds of millions of people.

Just because workers unions of the past were overturned by tyrants and capitalists alike

I'm pro union, and capitalist. Capitalism isn't anti-union. Once again, please educate yourself. Advocating for marxism is 100x worse than advocating for nazism.

The system in which I am forced to participate in is fundamentally flawed.

Please move to a communist country and see what you're forced to do.

The only reason you're an engineer is because you were allowed that choice. Under communism you would likely have been killed simply for being college educated.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Free market corporate capitalism as practiced in the West is absolutely anti-union. If you have another model to point to, feel free.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

That's not capitalism, that's government not doing their job.

Biden forced the railway workers to keep working despite the strike. Is that due to capitalism?

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Absolutely it's due to capitalism. He gave a big gift to rail corporations.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Absolutely it’s due to capitalism

That's your government not doing their job. And actively working against the workers.

Blame big government that forces people to work at a non negotiated price, not capitalism.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Capitalism doesn't involve negotiating prices with workers. It never has and it never will.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Capitlism is about the ability of selling your services to a willing party. It always has been, and always will.

If I want to stack boxes for $2 an hour, I have that right. If I want to stack boxes for $200 I have the right to make that right. Everyone has the ability to accept my offer, or deny it. Capitalism, baby.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Then capitalism is a fantasy. There is no country in this world where workers all get to negotiate their pay.

[-] MasterObee@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

There is no country in this world where workers all get to negotiate their pay.

In the U.S. for the most part people are able to. Except in situations where the government forces a floor. So we're damn close, every individual can choose to work for X amount of pay or not. Once again, except in cases where the government forces a minimum.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

In the U.S. for the most part people are able to.

That is absolute and utter bullshit. That may be true for whatever industry you're in, but do you really think fast food workers get to choose their pay? Waiters? Construction workers? Uber Drivers? Hell, I work a decent office job and my salary wasn't negotiable. Neither was my salary in my past few jobs, all of which were good jobs.

[-] sorebuttfromsitting@sopuli.xyz 5 points 11 months ago

lol young people

you'll be first to get scraped up with a snow shovel

this post was submitted on 23 Jul 2023
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