As there is no documentation (yet), I've done this by trial and error, feel free to tell me if stuff doesn't behave correctly :D
Based on the amazing color scheme by Ethan Schoonover:
For future reference, here's what I've gathered so far:
Slate (LIGHT)
- 25: Central window background
- 50: Global background
- 100: instance, background hover left bar, pictures background
- 200: outlines
- 300: buttons bottom outline
- 400: ???
- 500: instance
- 600: sidebars text color, OP username, post date, reply button
- 700: ???
- 800: ???
- 900: titles, comments, upvote/downvote buttons
- 950: ???
Zinc (DARK)
- 50: ???
- 100: titles, comments
- 200: upvote/downvote buttons, settings comments
- 300: post text
- 400: sidebars text color
- 500: user instance
- 600: theme buttons outline (?)
- 700: button top outline
- 800: outlines, background hover left bar
- 900: Buttons, instance, cards background
- 925: Central window background
- 950: Global background
- 100 Main UI accent color - DARK
- 900 Main UI accent color - LIGHT
- Black: ??? Seems to always be black
- White: card background - LIGHT