this post was submitted on 20 Sep 2023
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Seriously tho these people can’t be serious, right? Like this has to be a fucking op

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[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Well I have parents which both lived their childhood through the martial law period, and despite the horrible situation of those times my mother still considers fondly that everyone had a job and a home, and my father hates (I think) every PZPR politician except Edward Gierek and ranted to me how we should've "been more like Yugoslavia who were more open to trade with the west". I love him but he could use some history on how it was the west who were the ones to close on us and yada yada... But what are you gonna do, the man is in his 50s and PRL ain't coming back any time soon.

They were both young adults in the 90s going through times barely different from the 80s, and then there was I born in 2003. I still somewhat remember the poverty I was growing up in up to like 2010 when things started to quickly improve. Not because capitalism good, but because my mother landed an okay job and we very fortunately living in a house with my great grandmother. So we had no rent to pay. We were very lucky to say the least.

If we were to rent, my life would have turned out drastically different. Definitely worse.