this post was submitted on 26 Oct 2020
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here is the image in better definition, also more info about the world

Here we see the how the world looks in the aftermath of the WWZ in the book "zombie survival guide" by liberal author Max brooks

some interesting things (lib stuff that makes no sense) that happen are, Iran and Pakistan (know allies) just nuke eachother just cause??, China literaly lets the zombies destroy their country because they dont want to accept they have a pandemic? also it nukes itself to become a democracy.

Japanese are samurais again, the DPRK just dissapears, Israel saves palestine and they both joined together to make a levantine state (controled by the israelies of course.

Brazil is a military junta, Chavez reforms the gran colombia (based :chavez-salute: ) peru-bolivia confederation is a thing again.

and my favorite one, Mexico just changes its name to Aztlan, this word has little to no meaning to Mexicans besides cool nahualt word, and also mexicans are aztecs now, even tho the south of the country is infuence by the maya, and the north by non-nahualt, like we are not some homogeneous country we have 70 different ethnic groups.

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[–] 1 points 3 years ago

China literaly lets the zombies destroy their country because they dont want to accept they have a pandemic

This aged well