CEO Warns That No Student Involved In Protests Will Ever Be Hired At Genocide Inc.
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
It was supposed to be a joke referring to the fact that The Onion used to use fake company Global Tetrahedron for this sort of article, but a bunch of fans of The Onion got together and formed a company called Global Tetrahedron and bought The Onion while it was recently being sold off.
So, the joke was that they had to invent Genocide, Inc. to replace it.
I don’t think people here got the joke.
While I knew about the above I still didn't really get your joke. Calling the fake company Genocide Inc. is kind of integral to their joke, in that the students are protesting against a genocide. If the headline was about Global Tetrahedron not hiring protesters (even before the real one existed) it wouldn't really make much sense.
Sure, but my joke made sense in context
I got the joke. It was good.