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[-] ptz@dubvee.org 249 points 3 days ago

If only we had the technology to open doors without power. One day, perhaps.

[-] ultratiem@lemmy.ca 27 points 3 days ago

Or the foresight to have a small backup battery unit used exclusively for emergencies like say when the battery goes out or when someone reverses their car into a lake. The fact these are such death traps shows just how bad the US is when it comes to giving a flying fuck about people over money.

And all the while Elon is touted as some kind of super Lex Lutherian genius.

Honestly if I wrote a fictional book with some of the shit he's done and how the world looks at him publishers would throw it back in my face as being the most unbelievable POS they've read in the past 20 years.

[-] mesamunefire@lemmy.world 30 points 3 days ago

I still dont like something that is electric powered making it so you cant get through a door. If there is a short, the battery dies (which it will someday) or generally bad parts could potentially lead to a preventable death. Cars were made so keys (or key like) can open the door no matter what. And especially in the heat everyone is going through in the US.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 10 points 3 days ago

There is still a mechanical latch but it is on the inside and is well-hidden.

[-] set_secret@lemmy.world -4 points 3 days ago
[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 2 points 3 days ago
[-] set_secret@lemmy.world -2 points 3 days ago

If you owned one you'd know i guess. The M3 has un hidden regular door pulls on the inside both front and rear doors. Idk about the Y.

I know it's cool to hate Tesla, but wrong is wrong, despite the downvotes.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 3 points 3 days ago
[-] set_secret@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago

Then how the fuck do you think they're hidden doofus. Every second passenger tries to pull them.

[-] FaceDeer@fedia.io -1 points 3 days ago

It doesn't look hidden to me, I expect I'd probably use that by accident myself.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

Front seat? Sure. Back seat? Nah. You have to remove paneling, pull a tab up, then pull a cord forward. That is a three step, non-obvious and non-intuitive way to open a door.

[-] FaceDeer@fedia.io -4 points 3 days ago

Or, climb into the front seat and open the front door.

[-] JamesFire@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Or, all doors should have an obvious mechanical backup that doesn't require that.

[-] helenslunch@feddit.nl 8 points 3 days ago

Agree to disagree, I suppose. It just looks like a piece of trim to me.

[-] ultratiem@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 days ago

Ya I hear you. I don’t even like driving modern cars because they are all electrical and the pedals feel like video game controls. But nothing in the Tesla is built well. I fully believe it possible to build a full proof battery backup and not just hook up a random 12v that probably suffers from the same abysmal QA as the rest of the car.

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this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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