Comment removed and user banned. Not sure why you can still see the comment, though. The API still returns the comment text even if it's removed, and the client has to redact it (that'd be a Sync thing).
Laas: (Shapeshifts into literal fire and/or takes the form of a space-dwelling creature that's fine with the cold, vacuum of space)
Odo: Quark, I'm cold. It's my turn with the coat.
Edit: Nevermind. Snarked before I thought. That was a few episodes before The Begotten and Odo was humanoid at the time. That'll learn me to not do the internet before my morning raktajino.
Kroger (grocery store) is doing the same thing this week. They're doing a 20% off "holiday bonus" discount on a one per-customer basis (20% off your entire order). The catch? Every item in the store is at least 20% more expensive than it was last week.
Don't forget the beige box that protects you from the magic happening:
Not the 'c' word I would have used, but still accurate.
I do love when the musical number wraps back around to the main plot. lol
Because I couldn't not hear the song in my head:
But what about the sleaze and the depravity?
It was a very convincing song, Marge.
Absolutely. I've wanted to send the lyrics to that as a group email on Halloween but have never had the seniority to do it yet lol
First of May is another one of my favorites.
The Future Soon is also pretty good, and I know how to do it in ASL. Consequently, "Robot War" is my favorite sign combination.
I've never seen him perform, but I bet it would be great.
"What a circus" say eligible voters who didn't vote in the 2024 election:
Indeed. I don't know if that behavior has changed past 0.19.3, but that's the version my instance and Lemmy World (OP's instance) is using, and that's how it be.