[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 21 points 1 month ago

Bulgaria: No need to sign anything, it’s already done. Everyone has the equal right to marry the opposite sex, and nobody can change (de facto) their legal gender. Everyone is already accepting of the LGBT people, as long as they don’t show it publicly.

Jokes aside, outside of Sofia the public opinion is that there are matters much more important than that. Homophobia is also widespread so it’s a political suicide to ratify something like this. The Istanbul convention was a huge “scandal” for just mentioning that it applies to trans women as well. There was a huge disinformation campaign and it worked. We ratified it anyways because it was integrated into an EU directive so yay?


I'm still alive, still stitching. I took a break, or more like World of Warcraft dragged me away. I lost my character after 50 hours of playtime and I uninstalled windows. My mental health dramatically improved when screen time went down. Especially because I started stitching again.

So here is my needlepoint project that I started earlier this year. Doesn't look like much but it'll become lovely once I develop it further. It's huge so the FO post's ETA is somewhere in 20XX.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 36 points 3 months ago

1000$? It costs 80$ here. Insurance covers the 1mg injection completely. Drug prices on the US market are inflated as hell. Also it can be made for 5 bucks but the decades of research and billions poured into said research and testing is what raises the price.

Regardless corporate greed is corporate greed and big pharma is into some really shady stuff. Especially when we get to biologicals.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 29 points 3 months ago

R****t felt like the place for tech savvy people when I first joined a decade and a half ago (I feel old now). It was confusing and I had no idea how to use it but the content was better than 9gag which was hugely popular at the time. Felt the same way about the fediverse half a year ago. Now it's all natural to me.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 29 points 3 months ago

After his interview about plant aliens coming to Earth and looking in horror at how people eat vegetables, I refuse to listen to anything that this man says. I used to really like him as a kid, shame.

Got some new frames from the workshop! (media.mastodon.sunny.garden)

[FO] Cute Alpaca (files.catbox.moe)

By Ksenia Levchenko. Link to pattern on Etsy.

I really like how much of a difference backstitching makes. Here's a before picture.

WIP Wednesday (files.catbox.moe)

I haven't been on Lemmy too much lately for reasons. But here's my WIP for this Wednesday. It still doesn't have a head but even then, when the backstitch time comes, is when it will really ✨ pop ✨

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 39 points 8 months ago

Death metal. Death metal while birding (or more like processing footage). Death metal while cross stitching. Death metal while crocheting. It's a weird outlet that I mostly keep to myself.


I've been on a roll and stitched in the dark hours of the morning before work. It's a fun pattern to work on, but sadly the most colourful (and fun) part is in the center, and I'm done with it.

How has your week been? Anything exciting to show off?


With the big project finished, I embarked on something smaller a month ago...but I put it on hold. Now I'm at it again.

The grid is one square off on one column so the whole thing is off. Any better ways to make an accurate grid? I know pre-gridded is a thing but I have a couple of meters of that plain 14ct fabric that I want to use up.

How has your week been, did you work on anything exciting?


So proud of this. My biggest project yet! It was fun watching it unravel with every planting.

Pattern by Lola Crow

WIP Wednesday progress! (files.catbox.moe)

Doing some more work on the greenhouse. I have a page and a half left before it's finished. I think it's going to be done at least for Halloween. Frame might take longer.

How has your week been? Anything to show off?

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 27 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

While it really does feel like it, as a person working in healthcare, I do see some change after the whole shitstorm from recent years.

  • There are people who actually wear a mask, few, but they are around.
  • A lot more people seem to be conscious of spreading their illness to other people be it a cold or COVID.
  • People definitely wash their hands more often. I know we do.
  • Some people started getting their annual shots when they didn't intend to before.
  • Local businesses open their windows and doors a lot more than they used to.

But also I also see some negative tendencies:

  • Interest in flu shots has waned. That might have something to do with the govt introducing a free flu shot programme from your GP if you're above 65 or with specific conditions (which is a great thing) But I definitely see a lot more vaxx-scepticism and fear of combining both shots (infant vaccination plans are a lot more intense and the vast majority are fine).
  • People politicising a disease.
  • This is country specific but food supplement companies aggressively promoting "immune system stimulants" to the point where in the beginning of The Plague™ they somehow managed to include them in hospital treatment plans.

This came out longer than intended but there were some things that I needed to get out of my system.


Sorry I missed last week's post. I'm having a busy week but it's time for a week off and some rest and relaxation. I'm in a bit of a predicament. I finished my project on Tuesday, and I haven't worked at all on my other WIP for about 3 weeks. I prepared a new WIP that I intend on doing while on a spa trip but if I post it now, it's going to be just a white canvas.

How was your week? Did you work on your projects?


The book title backstitch was done by my SO.

This one is getting framed and hung right next to the bathroom door!

After more than an hour of painful attempts at french knots with slippery polyester on polyester, I did the little black dots on the snout with half stitches and a couple of extra strands. Do I recommend polyester cheap kits? Yeah, they're fun. Would I do it again? Probably, but only because I bought two, and that one is left in the backburner for now.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 25 points 9 months ago

That sparkly quartz kitchen top? Yeah...crushed quartz and glitter to make it sparkle. As I said, it's everywhere.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 53 points 9 months ago

Seeing the comments here and people don't even realise how widespread glitter is. It's in everything and used in a variety of industries. From pharmaceuticals to construction, to transport, vehicles, military... in fact the one of the biggest consumers of glitter is kept secret so who knows, could be the military. It won't surprise me. We really need to find an alternative.

submitted 9 months ago by IoSapsai@lemm.ee to c/coffee@lemmy.ml

Of course iced coffee and cold brew have a very different taste profile but it can still get hot in the northern hemisphere so here it is:

  • 86g coffee, coarsely ground (32 on my 1zpresso JX). Works great with store-bought beans, in my case Kaufland's medium roast Brazil beans (haven't tried it with specialty coffee, not sure if you're going to get your money's worth that way)
  • 750g filtered water, room temperature or cold
  • patience (I found that 16 hour brew works best but anywhere between 12 and 18 hours is fine)

I use a french press with the filter off. Mine is 1L hence the weird proportions, that's accounting for the coffee grounds volume too. What you get with this recipe is about 500ml of concentrate

  • Add 2/3rds of the water and let bloom for 10 minutes then add the remaining water(500g->250g)
  • Pop it in the fridge for at least 12 hours, 16 is best
  • Filter with a metal filter. I just screw the French press filter, press to just about under the surface.
  • Dilute with ice cold water for a refreshing drink or 92°C if you want it warm. I do a 1:1 ratio but that's up to personal taste.

Link to original Reddit comment from 3 years ago. Credit to /u/theboyinthemoon

submitted 9 months ago by IoSapsai@lemm.ee to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

This happened on all android devices I've owned. Once they turn about 3 years old, they start slowing down out of a sudden. Yes, software gets heavier, you need more processing power, etc. But it happens out of a sudden.

I dug out an old lebovo tablet, about 6 years old. It ran surprisingly quickly. As soon as I turned the WiFi on to install the app I needed, things slowed down to the point where the device was barely usable. I somehow installed it. The app didn't require internet access so it was fine. Battery life was still amazing, about 5 days of casual use (internet access drains a lot of battery on this fella).

I thought it was a one time thing. Until I was handed another old Alcatel tablet that was ditched due to slowdown after 3 years. Same thing, no internet access leads to a snappy phone. Once you turn the WiFi on, boom slowdown.

I see the same thing happening to my Nokia 3.4 phone (now HMD Global, made in China). I don't think the architecture allows for swapping the os to a degoogled one everyone is raving about. The reparibility of this phone is near zero so once it goes bust, it's really hard to open it as well. I obviously don't need a brick with no internet access (otherwise I would just carry a dumb phone).

Also once this buddy dies or becomes unusable, is there a brand you would recommend. I'm so done with Nokia and Samsung.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 19 points 10 months ago

If you were cold then you would catch a cold.

There is a startling amount of people here (most people I know) that believe this. I work in healthcare and we constantly have arguments about the AC in summer for that exact reason. Yeah cold weather can make it easier to catch a cold but it's interesting to see how many people believe that you need to get warm to avoid catching a cold.

Carrots will allow me to see in the dark if I eat enough of them.

Partially true. If you're vitamin A deficient, your night vision worsens and carrots can help with that. But you won't get Minecraft night vision

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 41 points 10 months ago

This is really sad and disgusting. It affects the whole platform but especially smaller instances that can't keep up. Despite being a lemm.ee user, I was particularly upset about thegarden.land shutting down because of that spam. It had my favourite gardening community on here.

I really hope this gets sorted out, and the spammers end up where they belong.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I actually agree with you but the mental health communities on Lemmy haven't caught up yet, and I figured one could find more people here that could relate.

[-] IoSapsai@lemm.ee 23 points 11 months ago

Might be talking out of my ass here but prog metal artists tend to have high education, usually in music. In fact I saw a bachelor's degree programme for progressive metal in the university of Gothenburg!

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