[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 2 points 1 day ago

I generally agree. However the fossil fuel alternatives have an equally labyrinthine network of subsidies. Half the national defense budget could arguably be allocated to that bucket.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 7 points 2 days ago

What about, "isn't that a song by Savage Garden?"

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 23 points 2 days ago


Hexbear is an 8/10 on this scale

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 54 points 4 days ago

Wtf is a "vulgar sense of entitlement"? And how can that possibly apply to a government agency? This is just word salad from the conservative talking points generator.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 16 points 5 days ago

The courts absolutely do something. My point is that most of the damage is done before it reaches the court.

Cops don't arrest cops or people on their team. But when they do, prosecutors don't charge cops. Cops do arrest nonviolent protestors. Prosecutors do charge nonviolent protestors. Later those charges are dropped, or they're set free with an agreement not to sue the department, or occasionally there's a settlement, that taxes pay for.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 95 points 5 days ago

Not really

Conservative 'protesters' get treated with kid gloves, or pardoned by the governor of Texas. They usually don't get charged. They have friends in the forces.

Progressive protestors get maced, shot, beat to shit, locked up, maybe charged but probably not since they are more frequently non violent, and then they maybe get a settlement.

E.g., how will this help those protesting cop city? The cops are already ignoring the law.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 135 points 3 weeks ago

Drop everything

... and? Panic? Die?

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 129 points 1 month ago

But don't you know, you can't tax the wealthy, they'll just leave! It'll never work, and you'll never get more income.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 147 points 3 months ago

The comments from the article were surprisingly not bad. One made a good point:

The POTUS started his SotU speech with:

“Now it is we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union. And yes, my purpose tonight is to both wake up this Congress, and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today.”

I have watched a lot of state of the union addresses and I cannot remember one that began with this stark of warning.

Yet, all the articles being posted are about MTG and whether Biden looked/didn’t look old and who clapped and who didn’t.

That’s a 5-alarm fire bell he just rang, broadcasted out to the entire country and world, pay attention to what’s important

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 186 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Hopefully we stop wasting this limited resource on fucking balloons.

Edit: well this kicked off a fun and respectful conversation. The information I can find from actual scientists says wasting helium on balloons is bad. The balloon lobby says it is just a waste byproduct. The balloon lobby brings nothing of value to the world in terms of plastic or helium use, so I'm going to go with the science opinion on this one.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 158 points 5 months ago

What fight? Google is making money, and nearly everyone is playing Google's game following their tune. Google is definitely not losing.

[-] solarvector@lemmy.zip 191 points 10 months ago

Key point not in the article headline but in the article itself: they unionized 2 weeks earlier.

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