submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/cyberpunk@lemmy.zip
submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

The family is moving to find more financial flexibility. Owning their current home is a financial burden, and the stress would only get worse with a mortgage renewal coming up soon.


Proceeds from the sale plus a cash top-up will mean they can live mortgage-free in their new three-bedroom townhouse. Current mortgage costs are $3,965 per month.

As well, Ms. Deane has estimated that her family will save on electricity, heating, insurance, property taxes and maintenance. Even with strata/condo fees of $710 per month at the new place, Ms. Deane calculates overall savings of $4,640 per month.

Props to them for making a smart move.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 214 points 1 month ago

This is satire. Looking at ChrisJBakke's Twitter feed, his posts are jokes. You may not like them. They may not be funny. But they're jokes.

This one echoes a Lemmy post from a few days back:

I think we'd have a much better time on Lemmy if we chilled out. OP posts a lot of decent content, there's no need to shoot the messenger.

submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/ottawa@lemmy.ca

"The evidence establishes that the City knew that its failure to properly enforce the 2012 Bylaw would likely cause harm to the taxi industry.

"A multinational giant was invading Ottawa, and because of the City's unpreparedness and its lack of efforts to develop a plan to enforce the 2012 Bylaw, the City's enforcement efforts against Uber drivers were ineffective."

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Nurse practitioners could help fill the void, advocates for the profession say, if more provinces would adopt policies to integrate them into primary care and pay them fairly for their work. Some physicians’ organizations have pushed back against that approach, arguing that NPs don’t have as much training or education as family doctors and therefore should only be funded publicly when they’re embedded in interdisciplinary teams with MDs.

Aren't these the same organizations that have been dragging their feet on recognizing foreign credentials?

I've been seeing a nurse practitioner for the last couple of years. So far, she's provided the same level of care I'm used to from family doctors: prescriptions, forwarding me to specialists when appropriate, providing the usual advice during checkups. It's fine.


Edit: took out my grumbly summary, since our healthcare spending seems to be middle of the pack, compared to peer countries.

submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

In 2022, Global News said the quiet part out loud: poverty is driving disabled Canadians to consider MAiD. Those “some” who are driven to assisted death because of poverty or an inability to access adequate care deserve to live with dignity and with the resources they need to live as they wish. They should never, ever feel the pressure to choose to die because our social welfare institutions are starved and our health care system has been vandalized through years of austerity and poor management.

Given the way our institutions and economic and political elite create and perpetuate poverty in Canada, particularly among disabled people, we should be particularly sensitive to the implications of the country’s MaiD regime for those who are often ignored when warning about the dangers of the law.


While MAiD may be defensible as a means for individuals to exercise personal choice in how they live and how they die when facing illness and pain, it is plainly indefensible when state-induced austerity and mismanagement leads to people choosing to end their lives that have been made unnecessarily miserable. In short, we are killing people for being poor and disabled, which is horrifying.

submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Is anyone else boycotting Loblaws? I don't have many alternatives, but I'm doing my best to take my business elsewhere.

submitted 1 month ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

US regulators have found evidence that TD's anti-money laundering fraud detection is insufficient

For months, analysts have predicted a fine in the range of US$500-million to US$1-billion, but that’s now jumped. “We believe cumulative fines could easily hit $2-billion,” Mr. Dechaine wrote.

Meanwhile, in Canada, TD is facing record fines (archive) from Canadian regulators.


submitted 2 months ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/lego@lemmy.world

The octopus is one of nearly 5m Lego pieces that fell into the sea in 1997 when a storm hit a cargo ship 20 miles off Land’s End, Cornwall. While 352,000 pairs of flippers, 97,500 scuba tanks, and 92,400 swords went overboard, the octopuses are considered the most prized finds as only 4,200 were onboard.

submitted 2 months ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/ottawa@lemmy.ca

The Ottawa Carleton District Schoolboard is winding up to drop early French immersion.


submitted 2 months ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Let’s start with one of the highest-voltage [third rails] in federal politics: Old Age Security.

OAS only begins to be clawed back once a senior’s income exceeds $91,000. And payments aren’t zeroed out until income hits $148,000 – or $154,000 for those 75 and older. Senior couples earning a quarter-million dollars a year, and living mortgage-free, are getting cheques from younger and (much) lower-income taxpayers.

That has to be fixed. The OAS threshold should be lowered – to, say, $60,000 – and the clawback sharpened, with benefits tapping out at $100,000.


End the capital-gains exemption for principal residences. It’s even more untouchable than OAS. It’s also more economically harmful and inequitable.

It pumps up housing prices and pushes more and more national wealth into housing. It’s dumb economics, plus the tax break only goes to the two-thirds of families who own a home. And the richer you are, and the more home you own, the bigger the tax break. It adds up to a hyper-regressive policy to make Canada less productive.


Let’s restore the two percentage points of Goods and Services Tax the Harper government cut. Our tax system is too tilted to income taxes, and away from taxes on consumption. And the cut to the GST costs Ottawa about $20-billion a year.

If the GST were raised, some of the proceeds could beef up the tax credit for low-income Canadians.

There's some good stuff in there.


submitted 2 months ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Interesting article on growth in public sector jobs over the past decade. What I got from it: lots of people were hired during the pandemic to handle pandemic-related initiatives; aside from that, lots of people were hired in general; governments appear to hire in times of economic uncertainty (e.g. growth under Harper during 2008+); federal unions argue staffing levels are returning to "normal".

But the killer is the last section where the author tries to figure out if we're getting value for money. The answer is short and sour: Canadians don't think so, and internal targets aren't being met.

Are Canadians getting bang for their taxpayer buck?

... One way to gauge that is through surveys, which doesn’t leave Canada looking good relative to its international peers. The OECD polls residents at its member countries on their satisfaction with public services such as health care and education, and between 2017 and 2022, Canada experienced the largest decline in satisfaction among G7 countries for education (from 73 to 67 per cent) while the drop in health care satisfaction matched that of the United Kingdom, but to the lowest level in the G7 (from 69 to 56 per cent).

... The share of respondents who said their provincial government had done a “good” or “very good” job fell overall from close to half in the first quarter of 2019 to 30 per cent at the end of 2023. Both B.C. and Quebec, two provinces that have seen public-sector job growth rise particularly quickly, registered some of the worst declines.

... the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) reviewed four years of results reports to see how the government measured up against nearly 3,000 performance targets it had set for itself. The assessments weren’t promising. For fiscal 2021-22, roughly 25 per cent of targets were not met, up from 20 per cent in 2018-19. But that didn’t capture the full scale of the performance shortfall. One-tenth of performance targets included no information on results, while another one-third stated results would be achieved at some point in the future.

Yeah, that mixes provincial services with federal ones.


submitted 2 months ago by sbv@sh.itjust.works to c/cyberpunk@lemmy.zip

What's the next wave of dystopia in popular culture?

I think the classic CRTs, mirrorshades, and black synthleather look of cyberpunk doesn't really work with our expectations in 2024.

In the 70s and 80s, we expected acid rain, ozone holes, and lawlessness to fill our future, as companies took over from (relatively) responsible governments and civility/civilization collapsed. The outfit fit with that: keep the burning rain and sun off, while protecting against looters and raiders. Meanwhile, writers didn't see how technology would shrink and get better.

In 2024 we expect our dystopia to be hot: the world is heating up, so black synthleather is out. Maybe mirrorshades stick around. Corporations aren't taking over any more, governments are becoming corrupt/evil (e.g. Hunger Games). And technology is tinsy tiny, verging on invisible.

I'm thinking of the Hunger Games and Upload. (And the first five episodes of Fallout)

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 260 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I live in a rural community. Facebook has more or less replaced the web here.

Businesses post their hours, specials, and information on Facebook. Some of them don't have websites. The rec centre has a hard time keeping their website up to date, but the Facebook group is always accurate. Newspapers have closed down, so a Facebook group keeps people apprised of what's going on (it seems to be pretty accurate, since everyone in town is part of it, people involved in events chime in). Kids and adults sports groups advertise and tell their members what's going on via Facebook groups.

It's a shitty medium, since the Facebook algorithm mixes trash advertisements with town-specific events, but it seems to suffice for the town's needs.

I suspect it isn't just my town. The network effect is strong, so I suspect there are niche communities where Facebook is verging on ubiquitous.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 121 points 4 months ago

When Reddit’s year end recaps were released — which give statistics on activity for individual subreddits such as top posts and comments — they indicated Russia was the third most common country of origin for users visiting many of these [small subreddits for Albertan towns], causing moderators to rethink what was behind the trolling activity they had contended with a few months before.

I don't think there's any question about the interference campaign existing. At this point the question is about influence. How effective are these trolls?

And what was the second country, and why isn't that a problem?

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 164 points 4 months ago

Sometimes being annoying is doing something wrong. If a kid is deliberately being disruptive after repeatedly being told not to, then yeah, they're doing something wrong.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 155 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Amazon probably outsourcing to a PR that specializes in union busting.

  1. But the PR firm that has little technical expertise - they just know they need bots to do some astroturfing.

  2. So the PR firm outsources to an IT consulting firm.

  3. But the IT consulting firm only bids on contracts, they don't do the actual work, so they find a subcontractor.

  4. The subcontractor may hire subcontractors. Continue this step for however many iterations the value of the contract will allow.

  5. Eventually the subcontractor hires a gig worker or an underpaid staffer to do the minimal amount of work possible.

  6. The gig worker avoids as much effort as possible, because they're paid by volume rather than time.

At this point the requirements may or may not be fulfilled, but the admins of each org are satisfied, so they move on to the next contract without verifying the work.

Edit: I wrote this facetiously, but u/SpaceNoodle found a news article suggesting at least some of these accounts are legit, as backed up by a Belling Cat investigation.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 132 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

A bit of background from BuzzFeed.

study shows that the sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to downplay the link between sugar and heart disease — blaming saturated fat, instead

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 242 points 5 months ago

Kids are great. Mine spend 5-10 minutes refusing to do a two minute task.

Kind of like how I spend three or four days avoiding a ten minute phone call.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 171 points 7 months ago

by the screenshots it looks like I've done plenty

Voyager is a copy of the Apollo UI. He's entirely right when he says he's already contributed significantly.

I don't blame him for being grumpy, but I also think it's legit to clone a decent UI. As Voyager matures the UIs will diverge.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 177 points 7 months ago

Intrusive thoughts are terrifying. It's a testament to our collective willpower that we haven't horrifically murdered each other.

Also, I'm really glad the phrase "intrusive thoughts" came along. It made the whole thing a lot easier to talk about.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 196 points 9 months ago

The woman's scalds were almost enough to kill her. She spent weeks in hospital and needed skin grafts. To make it worse, McDonald's had received multiple complaints about the temperature of their coffee.

[-] sbv@sh.itjust.works 163 points 10 months ago

Time to cut some storage costs!

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