can you share file
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
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- Constructive Criticism only
- If a render is photo realistic, please provide a wireframe or clay render
Alt+H will re show all hidden objects.
The orange dot looks like an origin point to me, not all objects have faces and so may not show in the viewport with something clickable. Weird that it moves with the viewport, could it just be far off in the distance? Does it stay in the same place on screen or move when you orbit/rotate your camera, what about in an orthographic projectipn?
You can also use the hierarchy on the far right in the default layout to see which objects are visible/ hidden and select or delete objects which may not have any visible geometry.
If by appear again you mean un-delete then provides you haven't closed blender the object can be found in the DNA view of the blender heirarchy panel.
Numpad point button makes you focus a single selected object. That could be a reason.