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[-] machiabelly@hexbear.net 12 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

What missiles? Aren't they running out or something? The US doesn't even have the missiles to handle the houthis. All of Nato is basically out too.

[-] anarchoilluminati@hexbear.net 6 points 3 weeks ago

This is honestly such a funny and unbelievable development.

Russia and China are smoking fools and the collective West is out of ammo.

[-] machiabelly@hexbear.net 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I guess when the USSR fell the USA decided its millitary industry didn't have to care about anything besides profit.

Now the US can't even out produce Russia. Even with the help of all of NATO combined. I'm genuienly shocked by this. I expected Ukraine to have worse doctrine and training than Russia. I expected them to be ground down in an attritious war until they ran out of manpower. I didn't expect that the entirety of NATO would fail to supply materiel to one fucking conflict. I haven't seen such ball dropping since my 10th birthday.

obama-drone trans-gun

[-] SorosFootSoldier@hexbear.net 10 points 3 weeks ago

When you just can't give up on the heckin' smol beanarinos neo-nazis in ukraine so you kick off WWIII

[-] SacredExcrement@hexbear.net 10 points 3 weeks ago

They could negotiate a truce to the war they are obviously not winning, but I guess encouraging them to kill more people and potentially kick off a chain leading to nuclear holocaust is fine too

Looking forward to being consigned to the void because some Ukronazi wanted to give Russia a metaphorical middle finger

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 7 points 3 weeks ago

Me, trapped under a pile of skulls, unable to dig myself out:

"Yo can you add some more skulls? It might destabilize the pile!"

this post was submitted on 30 May 2024
49 points (100.0% liked)


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