Create a blank reddit account and start replying to him with details of his life
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Send him a picture of his own front door.
This should shut him up. Even just replying with his real name like 'Kevin you know you're talking bs there' should frighten him
Keep it to just his name. Just getting his first name right will be enough to scare him. If you give any more details about his life he'll start trying to suss out who you are based on what you know.
I think your real blocker here is you snooped on a coworkers social-media. And not their Facebook, but their reddit account, something that's supposed to be anonymous. HR would probably fire you for cyber stalking a coworker if you showed that evidence.
I can't imagine he's that much a of a peice of shit in person or else you wouldn't need ilicit evidence to report him. But if the coworker is generally a piece of shit you now know how bad it is know what to keep an eye out for. You kind of have an edge on him. You know he's a coward.
didnt think of that, good point
nothing to do but live with it, and try to get a different job. FWIW you're not alone, I work in a company where everyone from low level technicians to the c-suite are all that and a bag of shit, openly. I manage by keeping everything strictly business, I try to not think about them outside work and only talk to them when I have to for work reasons.
This is the only way. Talk to them when you need to and avoid any conversations that veer into political/social issues. Use the “haha yeah, it’s crazy” line as needed.
my fav answer in the thread, ty for the wise words sage (some responses were extremely funny though)
This is the most measured and reasonable response, given the situation. I'm sure if we tapped into the private thoughts of any number of people we would be thoroughly disappointed at this time.
Do what you can do to stay safe, employed, and supportive of others as a counter to such individualistic bigotry.
There's already some good ideas here, but another one I'll throw out is that you can fill out a form online (or call 1-888-LDS-7700) to request a mormon missionary. Just give them your coworkers name and address, including maybe work address. They are extremely annoying and hard to get rid of, and your coworker will suffer for it.
You can also mail them a giant cardboard penis anonymously with, though I haven't tried this myself.
On this theme, the Church of Scientology will send you mail for decades if you're a mousey quiet kid with poor sales resistance that buys a Dianetics book for 3 dollars in their community college quad.
They used to have a static html request form on their website that just added your info to a consultation database. When I was a kid I wrote a script that took a home address and generated random names and did hundreds of requests for one person
Make a burner reddit account and get him to doxx himself
Anti-family makes me curious what his utopic vision even is. Does this guy just want artificial wombs so he can hang out with the bros forevermore?
so more specifically, they hate people who bring their "removed spawn" into the work offices for free meals, to show them the art inside, or to just hang out inside because work should only be for employees who get shit done
they also hate it when people go to social events in the office at like, 4:30PM and chat because it distracts them from their work
why do they care about that if they're 100% remote as you said?
you have to attend social events in office (usually 1x/2wks) if you live near one because community participation/culture building is part of the criteria you get graded on lol
Look man i just want to hang out with my bro for every waking moment and share my most tender moments with him
Aint nothing wrong with wanting to spend the rest of my life with my bro and\or bros
Everyone is giving you lame advice. I will give you epic advice.
Plant a bug on his computer that screenshots his computer and send it to a burner email. If he is indeed the user, Stay late one day, and when everyone goes home, try to log into his computer (or a computer you can log into and make the desk seem identical to his). Change the date so it looks like it’s in the middle of the day and he simply forgot to lock his computer. Pull up the screenshot of his posts, and take a photo in a candid fashion. Then turn it to HR.
Plant a bug on his computer that screenshots his computer and send it to a burner email. If he is indeed the user, Stay late one day, and when everyone goes home, try to log into his computer (or a computer you can log into and make the desk seem identical to his). Change the date so it looks like it’s in the middle of the day and he simply forgot to lock his computer. Pull up the screenshot of his posts, and take a photo in a candid fashion. Then turn it to HR.
Might not even need to go through with this.
If they're a redditor there's a good chance they reddit during work hours. Just need to get a photo of it. Account name will be visible in top right. This may take some time and patience but it's going to happen eventually.
The person is WFH.
Figure out a plan to use the information to set up a situation where workplace laws are broken against you in a way that gives you a foolproof payout.
They're 100% remote :S
i liked the plan, hope to not have to use it in the future...
It doesn't sound like there's anything you can do. Was there any indication that he was like this before you found the reddit account?
Well I didn't assume anything because I'm not judgemental like that but tbh it's not really surprising I found out they were an incel from their appearance, life outside work, coding abilities, willingness to chat, etc.
My recommendation would be to keep your interactions with this person professional and to a minimum. You can't really avoid being around terrible people in life sometimes, so I'd find a way to live with it, unless of course they start being terrible and abusive at you. I mean, does it really affect you if this person is as bad as you say?
Do nothing. Or create an alt OUTSIDE OF WORK and PPB or Gachimuchi poison their convos.
Don't ever let any of your coworkers see it or know about it,
As a smaller footnote in the larger War in Ukraine, a petition was put in that had enough signatures to force the Ukrainian President Zelensky to officially consider the city of Odessa putting up a statue of Billy Herrington to replace a Russian statue of Catherine the Great. The petition needed 25,000 signatures, which it acquired, meaning Zelensky is now legally obligated to consider the proposal.
Send them to a hexbear re-educatiom facility
I hear their facilities offer free, fun helicopter rides!
He sounds like a very sad existence
You're now in a position of power, even if the knowledge might initially suck. Mentally torture this dweeb, both online and possibly irl
DM us their handle and we can decend on them like locust to devour their soul. They will stare into the void of PPB, and the PPB will stare back.
Good they're remote, for you, but also means they'll be challenged less on this stuff. You could try to make them more normal through alt replies over time or something, but otherwise there's lots of bad people who keep it hidden. At least you know and if something serious does happen you won't have any confusion about them...