Women have more rights now in UAE than US?

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[-] solomon42069@lemmy.world 70 points 3 days ago

Breaking News - Middle East now less religiously radical than America...

[-] RadioFreeArabia@lemmy.cafe 23 points 3 days ago

In Sharia law the woman has precedence over the fetus. So it is not less religiously radical, is just that when it comes to abortion [and divorce] Islam is not as anti-woman as Christianity.

[-] danhab99@programming.dev 2 points 1 day ago

Good to hear that I didn't invent the "pro the mother's life" opinion first, I've just never heard anyone else articulate it out loud

[-] RandomGuy79@lemmy.world 0 points 2 days ago

Yeah just don't make that baby in an affair

[-] TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

It's just UAE, not Middle East.

[-] RadioFreeArabia@lemmy.cafe 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The UAE here is actually catching up with other Middle Eastern countries:

Haaretz May 26, 2019: Alabama, Iran, or Saudi Arabia? We Checked Where Abortion Laws Are Better for Women.

Sherine Hamdy, a professor of Muslim bioethics at the University of California, Irvine, notes that for Muslim women, the U.S. anti-abortion trends are worrying not only because they harm women’s rights to reproductive agency, but also because they diminish religious freedoms, since Muslim religious ethics make a strong case for women’s well-being taking priority over that of the fetus. [emphasis mine]

The Center for American Progress JUL 8, 2022: Authoritarian Regimes Have More Progressive Abortion Policies Than Some U.S. States.

This means that Americans in states that effectively outlaw abortion, including Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Dakota, will have fewer human rights protections than those in Iran or Saudi Arabia—countries that are often vilified by politicians across the ideological spectrum for their treatment of women. Iran, for example, allows abortion in cases of fetal impairment, and Saudi Arabia allows for abortion when the health of a patient is at risk—including mental health, which can function to allow for abortion in cases of rape or incest—contrary to only the narrow “life” or “medical emergency” exceptions that are now increasingly common in state bans in the United States. [emphasis mine]

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

It is true. And yet it actually has been that way for a long time. The level of theocracy is actually lower in the UAE than in the USA. Which is super weird if you haven't experienced both.

[-] RadioFreeArabia@lemmy.cafe 64 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Women have more rights now in UAE than US?

Not just in the UAE :)

Alabama, Iran, or Saudi Arabia? We Checked Where Abortion Laws Are Better for Women. FYI, Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper.

Authoritarian Regimes Have More Progressive Abortion Policies Than Some U.S. States. FYI, The Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action.

[-] Potatisen@lemmy.world 31 points 3 days ago

Jesus, the US is sliding backwards faster and faster. Really cementing that first "3rd world country" label.

[-] BakerBagel@midwest.social 20 points 3 days ago

Americans dont hate Iran on ideological grounds. They hate Iran because they are jealous of their theocractic republic and desperately eant to emulate it.

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 6 points 3 days ago

Mullahs of the supreme court making them proud tho

[-] cultsuperstar@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Republicans have been trying to push us back for years.

[-] Cornpop@lemmy.world 60 points 4 days ago

That’s honestly really impressive. Good for them.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

It's ridiculous that governments are still confused & trying to figure out all this no-brainer shit

[-] cm0002@lemmy.world 18 points 4 days ago

But just barely, it's just the absolute bare minimum IMO

[-] dojan@lemmy.world 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

A small step in the right direction is still a step.

[-] bobburger@fedia.io 5 points 3 days ago

Not according to most users on Lemmy

[-] dojan@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Likely born from frustration. It sucks knowing that the future you’re working towards is likely one you’ll never get to experience.

[-] NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

So they also have laws about if the mothers life is at risk.

Any word in if they're more liberal on that as well where the Dr's aren't terrified of doing one for an ectopic pregnancy or other life threatening situations.

In some places in the US that's not considered a threat to life until it's actually threatening your life.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

The unspoken rule is that nobody cares. There are clinics that operate now in the non conservative areas in the open. Anyone, single mothers, expats, whatever, can get one no issue.

In the redneck areas, this is where this will make a change.

[-] NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Oh that's kinda cool, I didn't know. If that's the case, it kinda seems like they're on the path to it just being fully normalized if those clinics are allowed to operate. I wonder how long it'll take to go from this change to the next change.

[-] TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Unsurprisingly almost all non-negative news of the arab world is suppressed. Yes the path is full normalization and fully legally protected.

The major difference in the UAE is that the judicial system is victim based. Not DA based. Basically the government leaves you alone for most of these things except if a party to the "crime" on the books complains.

So for abortion, if 2 expats hook up and a need an abortion it's basically like California. You make an appointment, you get it done, you get prescription meds, all good. No protestors anywhere, ever.

If someone hooks up with a deeply conservative person and they disagree with the abortion, then legally they're correct. And it can be stopped unless as outlined for the reasons in the article now. But just like in the redneck states, most of the conservatives are not against it when it benefits them or they need it.

Which brings it all back to nobody cares. And having been someone who has taken women to get their abortions in the US (as a friend only!) that walk of pressure and shame is ridiculous. The last time was like a friggin spy movie. We got a location to go to 1hr before the appointment. We parked there. An unmarked van pulls up, and you get in. You put on covers for your clothes and face. The van drives you to the clinic, parks near a rear entrance, and you run inside while all the "Christians" scream at you, throw blood at you, call you a murderer, etc. Then after the woman has the procedure and has to go back, has to do it in reverse in pain. And the van does like 30 minutes of evasive driving down random roads until they finally double back to wherever your car is. This was in a purple area of a blue state btw. The clinic had people routinely shoot it up (at night, not with people in it), try to light it on fire, harass employees, etc.

It's absolutely horrifying.

[-] NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

The major difference in the UAE is that the judicial system is victim based. Not DA based. Basically the government leaves you alone for most of these things except if a party to the “crime” on the books complains.

That's interesting. Do you know roughly where the line gets drawn where the government would step in regardless of neither party complaining?

The last time was like a friggin spy movie

That's fucking bonkers. Sorry you/she had to go through that.

[-] cheese_greater@lemmy.world -1 points 4 days ago

UAE, Me & Dupree

this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
386 points (99.0% liked)


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