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I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Chrisgpresents

About to show my GF The Blair Witch Project - telling her it’s a documentary made by history students looking into an old folktale. Wish her luck 😂

Originally posted to r/horror

Original Post Oct 17, 2022

My girlfriend is on her way home to watch Blair witch with me. She never heard of this movie, which has me leaning in to the fact that it’s a real documentary.

She doesn’t watch horror movies at all. So we’re starting off with a fun one here. I’m just so excited to experience this movie with someone who doesn’t know it’s a mocumentary.

We’re old enough to experience the paranormal activity hype, so at some point she might recognize what she’s watching… but Either way, it’s going to be a FUN NIGHT.

Will update if there is anything noteworthy to say here haha



Give us your address, we'll come throw pebbles at your window after you go to bed.


Nah, make one of them face the corner so they can't see the other being killed.


And make those stick things and leave them hanging in your trees


Just leave a few of them in the trees for when she goes out in the morning.



I burnt the ploughkeepsie tapes on a blank dvd and told my mum It was a banned documentary i bought off the dark web



Haha I told that to my wife about paranormal activity that it was a documentary about a couple moving into a new house with a baby as we just had one



Sorry how can you be old enough to have watched Paranormal Activity but not have even heard of Blair Witch?


Yeah, she hasn't heard of the shining, the thing... Blair witch fits there. She probably knows Michael Meyers but likely doesn't know if he's Friday the 13th or halloween

OOP Added elsewhere

I swear on my life this is legit.

She's never heard of psycho, the thing or the shining.

She literally is not in tune with horror as a genre. She probably played Michael Meyers as a kid growing up, but can't tell you what movie he is from (I'd be guessing).

So this is not much of a stretch. If it was paranormal activity, it wouldn't work, because we were in middle school when that movie was being hyped



Oh man... If you can find Curse of the Blair Witch to watch beforehand...then she might legitimately get scared.


Thank you for this tip!

I ended up showing the trailer because amazon prime had a small slip up. When we paused the movie, the actors had their real names (which were the characters names) but photos from modern day.

She asked if they lived, and I showed her the trailer to curse, and she was like, oh wow, they actually died? I said I'm not sure, I guess so

Update Oct 18, 2022 (next day)

Play By Play During The Film

The first half of the film there is absolutely nothing that gives you the feeling that this might not be real, so it really did suck us in like a modern day "vlog" except it was 90 minutes.

We laughed at certain points, she thought it was wild that Heather was going into the woods with a guy she's never met. Was kind of pissed at Heather for talking over all the interviewees.

Then there were the historical parts of the movie that drew her in, sort of like modern day Netflix serial killer documentaries. The guy that murdered 7 kids, that one rock in the woods that was the mass grave.

She was buying into the mystery.

The first night of spooky stuff was so masterfully done - she totally bought it.

I went on a long hiking trip a year ago, and I told her, "Sleeping out in the woods is scary cause you hear every little sound animals make." So she bought into the reality of how creepy it was for them.

As the film ramped up and the fighting began between the crew, she bought all of that, and the MAP. oh my god - she ate that up so well. She was like "What a dick!"

That was the point where I was like "This is going to work isn't it?"

When Josh went missing, she was on the edge of her seat, and terrified. Wondering how they could still be filming. The scariest part for her was the bundle of twigs with Josh's bloody organ or whatever was in there.

She held it together so well, but reacted in a "what is that!??!" type of way.

By the end, the house stuff, she was so tense. And that last shot where Mike is standing at the corner and the camera drops, she was like "What do you think was wrong with him!?

After the Film:

First thing she said to me was "this is the scariest thing I've ever seen." I don't want to see anything like that ever again.

I asked her what was so terrifying?

She told me the mystery of just not knowing, having felt some evil had been involved. She is somewhat spiritual, and wants to believe in some of those weird unknown creatures, even ghosts. So this was sort of in line with that belief.

A Redditor commented that I should show her Curse of the Blair Witch, and I did show her the trailer, which validated that the characters did die in the movie.

After talking about how effective the movie was, I told her that it wasn't real, it was a marketing gimmick that worked on everyone in 1999.

She called me mean, but also said that she wouldn't have been scared if she knew it wasn't real so she liked it overall.

What movie should I show her next? I'm thinking of The Shining. She loves "Isolation in the cold mountains" type Youtube vlogs. I think this would be perfect.


So we're still together. Went well, ended up watching Ratatouille after.

It was really an incredible experience, because it's not often you get to experience something the first time with someone.

It reminded me when I introduced my Indian friend to Michael Jackson & the Beatles, or my young nephew to Star Wars.



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