Lol, not the migrants causing all the worlds problems again. Whatever shall we do, what if they come for our jobs next
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The people that actually live there would probably like a word with you. Many are quoted in the article.
Many of the people who actually live there support the immigrants, and simply want increased investment and better management of these facilities
“Let me clarify, we are not against immigrants,” Clinton Hill resident Jorge Santos, 61, said during a rally in June. “We welcome them, but we do need better communication from the representatives.”
“We are one human race,” Mary Chang, 74, said when she took the microphone, demanding better conditions for the asylum seekers in the shelter. “They have told us that it is like a prison.”
Chang is a first generation American and has lived in the district all of her life. She told Documented what she wishes for is better living conditions for the residents and has always been fighting for migrants.
And I'd love to have a chat with them. Bet most don't actually think the immigrants are as evil as the article propagandizes.
How do you know it is propaganda? What evidence do you have that you think immigrants are amazing people? Why do you think that? Is anybody evil in your world view? You seem to have a problem of generalizing all immigrants as if they came from the same background. Your anecdote could be an outlier, not a norm.
Propaganda: The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
The supposed "fact" that immigrants are evil can be considered a doctrine while the article is the systematic propagation of said doctrine.
Is anybody evil in your world view?
Yes, racist cunts
So only white people can be racist? Therefore, white people are evil, right? There goes the exposed mental Marxism. You don't know what real evil looks like these days. Whether in cruelty or statistics. If white folks are evil, by your implication, why are immigrants of all colors want to go to a country that supposedly has systemic racism, and that supposedly racist system discriminates against said people. These people are not fleeing white racism and breaking immigration laws in the process. You debate from a position of the irrational, and it shows how illogical your beliefs are. A bit of a factoid, Canada, and the US are English-speaking countries by consensus and founded by WASPs. The reality. There is no second coming of an Adolf Hitler, no matter how much you try to find it.
My friend, you will lead a much happier life if you stop trying to read so much into the random collection of letters that someone posts to the internet
You seem to have a problem of generalizing all immigrants as if they came from the same background.
Jesus Christ, the unawareness and irony.
Well, let me tell you what I see on the news every day, gang members with chili bowl haircuts, 14 years old killing other 14-year-olds. Where are their parents? The chili bowl haircut I am talking about, is called the "Edgar", comes from Central America. In Central America, too, 14-year-olds kill other 14-year-olds. First generation immigrants tend to be more grateful when coming to a better country with a better society. However, their children are not as grateful, don't appreciate the vast differences that make a developed country better than the place their parents escaped from. It is actually the 2nd generation that commits more crime. The people to suffer the most are the poor citizens who have to deal with more bad apples. Now there is an American gang-related subculture, creates rich people, for example rappers, with genres like gangsta rap. Rappers who sold many copies of their music get shot too. It is not uncommon. A lot of American music genres actually promotes antisocial behavior, and it isn't just relegated to rap. Music is culture.
Well, let me tell you what I see on the news every day, gang members with chili bowl haircuts, 14 years old killing other 14-year-olds.
Classifying a person based on a haircut is just lazy racism.
However, their children are not as grateful, don't appreciate the vast differences that make a developed country better than the place their parents escaped from.
Calling bullshit on this. If you believe that, you don't know many immigrants. If you do know a lot of immigrants, you would have to personally know their entire families.
It sounds to me that you are just regurgitating opinion news. So much so, you actually believe it to be true. The one or two instances that you have seen the behaviors you described just kicked the confirmation bias into overdrive. Also, because of your glaring biases, you are likey to only remember instances of crime committed by a specific race.
Let's take your perspective and twist it: A majority of the hard core conservatives I know are felons or deal in drugs or illegal weapons. (This is actually true, btw.) That must mean that all conservatives are criminals and drug dealers, right? From my perspective, it would be easy to make that assumption, but I don't. Many of those people are blatantly racist as well, so take that for what it is.
That's hilarious that you're scared of a shitty haircut. That's also called a 'bowl' and was popular in the US in the 70s and 80s.
It is to prove a point. It is culture. My point exactly.
They are bringing the world's problems to your neighborhood.
My neighborhood consists of a bunch of Mexicans. They are decidedly NOT the problem.
I know a couple of Mexicans... Is that your best argument? Grow up already. We are not talking about individual problems but societal problems. Society is the aggregate of people, FYI.
A real "I have Mexican friends" in the wild.
I swear to bezelbub that y'all are the funniest reactionaries on Lemmy.