I've done what I feel is a pretty good job ignoring US election (canadian here), but the liberal head loss over this I sadly cannot ignore. Otherwise reasonable people acting as if the world has ended when this man has already been president ? Some of the same people who agreed with me that KKKamala is not in any capacity a "harm reduction" vote acting as if martial law has just been declared or some shit ? Maybe I'm just the disagreeable asshole but I just find this behavior sad.
Obviously fuck Trump should go without saying how pathetically shitty that dude is but I mean come on. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered and terminally wounded under the democrats, not trump. Roe v Wade was overturned under the democrats, not Trump. We have witnessed one of the most acute transfers of wealth to the ultra rich under the dems, not the republicans. The war in the Ukraine started and was goaded on under Biden's admin, not Trump.
I'm not trying to say in any sense that things will get a single iota better with republicans in office but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills seeing the reactions online and from people I would consider to be rational individuals. They might even be right that these things will get worse under another Trump admin more quickly or in different ways than if Kamala won, but still I find the reaction to it ridiculous.
Not that any american needs to or should care about my opinion considering I'm relatively removed from the situation but like, am I being unempathetic or unreasonable ?