Part 1: Simulate the guard's walk, keeping track of visited positions
Part 2: Semi brute-force. Try to place an obstacle at every valid position in the guard's original path and see if it leads to a loop.
import os
from collections import defaultdict
# paths
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
filepath = os.path.join(here, 'input.txt')
# read input
with open(filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as f:
data =
rows = data.splitlines()
# bounds
m = len(rows)
n = len(rows[0])
# directions following 90 degree clockwise turns
# up, right, down, left
DIRECTIONS = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
# find position of guard
guard_i, guard_j = -1, -1
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if rows[i][j] == '^':
guard_i, guard_j = i, j
if guard_i != -1:
def part1(guard_i, guard_j):
# keep track of visited positions
visited = set()
visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
dir_idx = 0 # current direction index
# loop while guard is in map
while True:
delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j # next pos
# if out of bounds, we are done
if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
# change direction when obstacle encountered
if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#":
dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
# update position and visited
guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj
visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
def part2(guard_i, guard_j):
# keep track of visited positions
visited = set()
visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
dir_idx = 0 # current direction index
loops = 0 # loops encountered
# walk through the path
while True:
delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j # next pos
# if out of bounds, we are done
if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
# change direction when obstacle encountered
if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#":
dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
# if a position is not already in path,
# put a obstacle there and see if guard will loop
if (next_gi, next_gj) not in visited and willLoop(guard_i, guard_j, dir_idx):
loops += 1
# update position and visited
guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj
visited.add((guard_i, guard_j))
# used in part 2
# returns whether placing an obstacle on next pos causes a loop or not
def willLoop(guard_i, guard_j, dir_idx) -> bool:
# obstacle pos
obs_i, obs_j = guard_i + DIRECTIONS[dir_idx][0], guard_j + DIRECTIONS[dir_idx][1]
# keep track of visited pos and the direction of travel
visited: defaultdict[tuple[int, int], list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
visited[(guard_i, guard_j)].append(dir_idx)
# walk until guard exits map or loops
while True:
delta_i, delta_j = DIRECTIONS[dir_idx]
next_gi, next_gj = guard_i + delta_i, guard_j + delta_j # next pos
# if out of bounds, no loop
if not (0 <= next_gi < m) or not (0 <= next_gj < n):
return False
# change direction when obstacle encountered
if rows[next_gi][next_gj] == "#" or (next_gi == obs_i and next_gj == obs_j):
dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
# we are looping if we encounter a visited pos in a visited direction
if (next_gi, next_gj) in visited and dir_idx in visited[(next_gi, next_gj)]:
return True
# update position and visited
guard_i, guard_j = next_gi, next_gj
visited[(guard_i, guard_j)].append(dir_idx)
part1(guard_i, guard_j)
part2(guard_i, guard_j)