Red: "I wish Blue didn't have terminal cancer anymore."
Blue: dies
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Red: "I wish Blue didn't have terminal cancer anymore."
Blue: dies
"Use your own three wishes on your terminal cancer. I'm hungry okay?!"
Bröthër I need the lämp
I so really want to reply to this, but I am unfortunately not in the right headspace to get into the right headspace to come up with a good reply to this. So I will leave this comment here in hopes that someone actually does.
Well I love you
Seconding the love. Hope you are in a better way tomorrow!
The first cheeseburger was their second wish.
Second wish was turning cancer guy into a cheeseburger
Looks like the genie is wearing a tiny skirt.
Twist idea one: the hamburger is a tasty cure for cancer Twist idea two: he hands him the lamp saying 'your turn'