Have attention spans dropped that drastically? Holy hell.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Absolutely. Many shows need to pad to 43 mins to fill an hour with ads, and it's mostly wank
Sorry, I didn't finish reading your comment but it's true: I look amazing in this outfit!
They have not. Media conglomerates take advantage of the fact that our surviving ancestors saw the suddenly appearing saber toothed tiger before the ones that didn't.
gives up and goes to bed even though it's 7pm and I haven't eaten yet today
I think that's just depression. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
sorry to be the one to break it to you
Take a quick look through my post history
That was pretty tongue-in-cheek. I assume we all are like that here
Wait, going to bed early is a sign of depression? Or the not eating part?
When you go to bed because the alternative is trying to force yourself to do things you once enjoyed to kill time
When you get into bed at 7 pm and don't manage to get out of it till 11 am
When you don't feel hungry but you haven't eaten in a day or two and you know you should and people would want you to but you can't bring yourself to go make or get it and not eating feels satisfyingly self destructive
Thankfully now I can be mostly asleep for 15ish hours, it was hell when I would go to bed at 7 to avoid existence and would wake up at 3
I should really just unalive myself and get it over with, things are worse than when I started drugs and therapy and there's no way things are going to get better. Things don't improve unless you improve them and I've tried and failed over and over
I can't say I've been there, but as another person on the Internet, I can say that sometimes failing a lot is the only viable path forward and it sucks. It's the famous quote about the invention of the lightbulb, it took over 1,000 attempts to get something that worked well, and when asked what that felt like to fail so many times, Thomas Edison is attributed for saying, "I didn't fail 1,000 times, I discovered a thousand ways not to make a lightbulb."
So I guess I'm saying to keep finding ways that don't work and I hope you do get your lightbulb soon!
Gets up to get my 8th meal of the day even though it's 3am
The best part is that both can be caused by depression!
Glad I’m not the only one
I urge you all; just watch one screen. Its all you have attention span for anyway, and youre just gonna end up unsatisfied trying to do both at once.
I need to know who's downvoting this and why
If it's a good show sure. Some shows are just so bad you get distracted.
Me but with audiobooks. I listen while driving home. A thought might distract me so I’ll hit back, only to get back on the train of thought while I wait for the audio to get to the part I missed. Only I’ll miss it again and have to hit back again.
Then you miss your exit but it's too late to turn back now so you start your new life in a new country
Did that last night. Went from 11 minutes to home, to 25.
That's why I can't listen to audio books. Driving takes way too much attention. I have a set of driving podcasts which don't need much attention and it doesn't matter if I miss a bit
For me audiobooks makes the drive tolerable and enjoyable. I don’t find them distracting, rather I get distracted from them at times because of thoughts of work or needing to focus on dumb drivers around me.
Sometimes this is me not solving the problem, sometimes it's the show/podcast/audiobook having a boring/poorly explained pocket as a lead-up to something important.
I just want a button that rewinds 10-15s, turns on subtitles, and then turns them off when it catches up again. It's a pattern I do manually with some regularity.
I suppose with Jellyfin/OSS, this is something I could implement myself if I was so inclined...
Most of the apps on Roku have a 10 second rewind and you can set subtitles/CC to be on resume which means they only stick around for about 10 seconds or so.
My Roku used to do this, but sadly my NVIDIA shield doesn't.
A bunch of platforms have this. I think all Roku apps support this and I noticed on Apple+ on Chromecast I think.
Why not leave the subs on all the time?
I can't have full-time subs, I can't read and pay attention to the show at the same time, even though I can read fast. I just impulsively read the subtitle over again.
Anime and gaming trained me just for this
Because it covers some of the screen and is distracting? I actually prefer subtitled anime, but not if it's a language I understand.
Omg yes same
If you're on your phone I'm not telling you what happened and it's not getting rewound.
In that case we're only watching really good, full attention required stuff, no light fluff
Can't relate
quiet sound of me putting my jacket on to leave this person mid-film
So, uh, I don't know how to tell you this, but it sounds like you're an addict. You should consider taking days off from your phone. Like, 100% powered off. The false sense of urgency your phone provokes destroys your productivity and makes you less happy. You gotta unlearn that reflex.
I absolutely did this the other day. Right in the middle of a boring ass scene they casually dropped a huge plot point.
I've also missed stuff during uncomfortable parts and just let them go.
it wont be long before theaters will have to have two screens, one for the film and one with subway surfers gameplay
This is why I despise those that constantly check their phone when watching something.
repeat 4x
My OH goes mad at me for looking at my phone when watching stuff.
I’ve done this multiple times, today.
it me
I blame cable/broadcast TV. It's impossible for me to stay focused on a show because there were always recaps after commercial breaks.