Kick Grass
Smoke Ass
But most of all
Be Kind
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Kick Grass
Smoke Ass
But most of all
Be Kind
Pick up a barely affordable hobby and never get good at it.
me yearning to sail lol
There are five million ways to kill a CEO.
Be gay
Do crimes
But if I’m going to be gay, I have to transition first, which seems like more than a minor inconvenience.
Already did various crimes, but what do I have to show for it?
have to transition first
Skill issue
did various crimes
nothing to show for it
also skill issue
This is actually pretty inspiring, thanks
i would recommend being preoccupied with the idea that it doesn't really matter what you do because that's done wonders for me so far
enjoy the indescribable inexplicable strangeness of being anything at all
despair at what capitalism has done to this world and our singular existence
flip between these two ever more rapidly
Establish communism
we did this back in 2014 remember? with the pronouns and the blue hair? you silly goose
Love deeply
Fall in love. Treat that person with honor and adoration.
Join a communist party. Dedicate yourself to the work and your comrades.
Spend time in nature. Cultivate a love and understanding of the world's endless wonders.
Be the friend who sends invitations instead of waiting to receive them.
Learn to hack, learn to drone/quadcopter.
This is too close to g*ming for comfort, sorry
It's the sectet third thing. I can't tell you what it is though, it's secret.
At least give us a hint
Hint: being a cop is NOT the secret thing. Hope that helps
Damn thanks, you helped me dodge a bullet there
Surely you wouldn’t want me to keep stumbling into another comparably awful trap? Surely you will keep providing hints?
I hear that birding is pretty fun. Maybe try that. Binoculars aren't hard to come by.
I like to think of life as a 6.5/10 rated rail shooter with rougelike elements. Like clearly the gameplay loop needs work so I wouldn't care that much about anything that's not the other people doing multiplayer.
When you're able to choose, you should always err towards doing something and the something you choose should be what's immediately exciting to you. You should set aside time and energy for people who share your values because 99/100 of them are autobattling through their encounter with you. I wouldn't get too emotionally invested in the rougelike elements. Unless you're following a guide you're probably going to frustrate yourself trying to go infinite; you're likely choosing between a 10% boost and a 9.7% boost. And ultimately, I'd err towards dedicating myself to something as opposed to floating around even when it gets tough.
Learn to do at least one thing well
Have lots of seggs
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
I'll back this up. Being a huge slut was the best thing I did with my 20s.
I can't relate, it's just what I dream
You can do it, I believe in you
I really can't, but thanks for the vote of confidence
i'm kind of curious, were you like one of those dude who read "the game" or did it more or less come naturally to you?
Nah I just lived in a city with an art school and went to a lot of shows.
Smile. Choose joy.
you should eat a pop-tart if you are able and if you want but it's ok if you don't
Read theory
Grind as hard as possible
Careful, you might end up trans!
Ball so hard
Look deep into your heart. You already know the answer