<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>
read braiding sweetgrass, lib
_ ___
_(_)_ .-' '-.
(_)@(_) / \ ,,, _
(_),,, \^^^^|^^^^/ {{{}}_(_)_
|{{{}} \ | /, ~Y~(_)@(_)
| ~Y~(@)\ | /{}} \|/ (_)
(\|/)| \Y/ \ | / ~Y~ \|/ (\|/)
\|/\|/\|/ \|/ \|/\\|//\\|//
Let it grow ^.^
.-/ \-. If I had a flower
( \__/ ) for each time
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /
( / \ ) of communism
, \\ (-. ) my garden
|\_ ||/.-`would be full
\'.\_ |;`
'--,\|| ,
`;| _/|
// _/.'/
María, after Subcommandante Elisa of EZLN. Formal name is Maria Gloria Benavides Guevara.
Hell yeah, this is a top contender, thank you!
Also, her Wikipedia article is fascinating but so short! It reads like someone compressed a book into two pages.
I also like Maria. I had Maria by Rage Against The Machine in my head all day.
Bella Thorne
Pokey Ball
J. Pricklyass
It's Spanish and respectful modern slang word for women and also speaks to its scientific name.
This is an underrated pun
Ricky Espinosa. "Espinosa" means "spiky" in spanish and Ricky Espinosa was a punk rock artist from the band FLEMA.
I'll never be a policeman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZzRm8MaJpQ
Oh that's clever, this is tough to beat!
Also thanks for the link, I dig the song and lyrics. The 90s had a special way of expressing these feelings that I am still nostalgic for, even though I was only a kid then.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Cathy Cactus
hah because the truth hurts?
Flared Base
weird little alien creature
Lil Sticky
'Ow', as in 'Ow' the cactus
spike girl
Colonel Pointy
Gordo Mato
Pelaje (Spanish for fur)
What should I name this weird little alien creature?
Every real comrade names their pet "Kropotkin".
Bob "Spike" Swegey
Love how everything looks like food nowadays. Whiteout the word Deodorant and put it in the dairy section.
that sounds like something someone who's anti-skub would say...
Pricklyich Lenión
Prickly Paris