[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 8 points 19 hours ago

That's less a defense of Saudi Arabia and just pointing out it's better than America

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 46 points 1 day ago

You should see what our country does to people who are part of the solution like Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange (not an American though as far as I'm aware).


(Yeah yeah, preaching to the choir; admittedly this is for the idiot libs who keep posting here)

Our country's killed a million people almost every decade (with some decades seeing more than a million) after WW2, we pass laws to criminalize homelessness and in some cases to indirectly kill them like making it illegal to provide them shelter during winter, we have the largest prison population on earth not because the average American is a criminal but because this is a police state (or maybe you disagree and think the average guy is a criminal?), our cops kill an insane amount of people every year and are allowed to get away with it (even in many cases where we have video evidence), the government's conducted inhuman experiments on us, and we're literally part of the fabric of many nations' histories that are halfway round the world because we've intervened extremely heavily in their countries to the point of getting rid of their leaders and installing violent dictators. Access to healthcare in these countries is also leagues better than it was back home.

And people's reaction today is to actually think somehow CHINA'S worse than us; there's a reason why Argentinians celebrate 9/11 and even have a street named after it even though they don't even border us. It takes propaganda to turn people into frothing lunatics in regards to any of those three countries, but with America all it takes is surviving us or people learning from their parents or their grandparents why they lack so many family members and why the family they still have are horribly disfigured, and that accounts for many, many people around the world. The mines the Vietnam war left behind was killing about 100 people every year until around 2000, and then it was 50 people every year.

To quote Bush Sr. after our forces shot down an Iranian passenger plane, whom so many libs were quick to show deference to when he kicked it, "I'm not an apologize for America kind of guy". He also got applause for that.

America is easily worse than China, Russia and Saudi Arabia, UNLESS human life has no value, then we're better. Honestly the only thing less valuable than human life to America is a bullet.


[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight - and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit

Strange, I don't recall Biden telling us he thinks we're stupid enough to think what's happening in Gaza isn't a genocide. I must've missed that.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 2 points 3 days ago

FF8 was the first final fantasy I played; I found it nice; never finished it though.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 26 points 3 days ago

end up returning to North Korea anyway?

Not if they go to South Korea; they literally won't be allowed to leave. DPRK defectors/hostages aren't given a passport off the bat; only when the puppet regime is convinced of their loyalty are they allowed to exit South Korea apparently.

I think this was the documentary that mentioned it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3V4Hnl7J9H4

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 4 points 3 days ago

Well I mean if one of you had just told me the last coup attempt had actually failed....

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 32 points 3 days ago

"Asia is the most racist because I went there once and people stared at me and asked me for photographs"

It's funny but I remember when I went to an Asian country once I was actually eager to get myself photographed with a mall security guard all because he was a mall security guard armed with a combat shotgun; it was the coolest thing my eighteen year old self had ever seen. My sister was originally like " no!", but then she also wanted a photograph with him. Dude was a mall security guard with a combat shotgun, honestly coolest thing I'd seen by that point in my life.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 30 points 3 days ago

He was some military veteran who apparently had ties to Guantanamo Bay. I wonder what happened to him

Hopefully stalin-gun-1

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 9 points 4 days ago

As far as I know he grew the fuck up and has a functional family now - quite the turn around i guess, i'm glad he was smart enough to go down a road where that was possible.

I hate say it, but some people grow up thinking they're invincible and need an extremely hard (painful) reality check to bring them back down to Earth with the rest of us.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 19 points 5 days ago

Legit this guy is the hero of at least this decade

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 23 points 5 days ago

Kind of embarrassing for Saudi Arabia given that in 1974 we'd already committed mass slaughters in Korea and Vietnam (also Laos and Cambodia) only recently in the millions. Saudi Arabia isn't anywhere near as evil, but the propaganda certainly makes it seem so.

[-] Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net 19 points 5 days ago

Whaaaaaat? You don't want a sci fi author to be like "this is Eric; he has black hair and is tall, this is his buddy Paul, he's muscular but of average height, this is Alice, she is also tall with almond eyes and has gigantic gazongas"

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Basically people arguing on World of Warcraft LFG chat (on EU servers) about whether they should be racist to all Russians or just to hate the government, with people being like 'bUt I JuSt dOn'T uNdErStAnD wHy sO mAnY pEoPLe VoTeD fOr hiM'. I then chimed in and said all of the American war criminals running the country were also voted in, and then also said that 'if not for the balancing effect of Russia, the entirety of Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East would look like Cambodia, Vietnam and Iraq, and who would stop us? Western Europe? lol'

Lots of angry responses and whispers from Western European players ensued, it was hilarious


A lib I work with who has good politics about Palestine (shocking given his politics on basically everything else) had this to say in regards to the treatment of professors and student protesters.

All I could think was "have you been living in a cave?"

This guy actually believes the hype about America; Never mind the BLM protesters who were also arrested and given unacceptable prison sentences, never mind the national guard getting called on protesters, never mind cops killing protesters from time to time, now this is isn't America.

It's been America for a long time, I've no idea how he hasn't noticed to be honest.


I recall when I found a wikipedia article talking about the oil for food program in Iraq, where the human rights coordinator there quit his post so he could criticize the sanctions on Iraq as a genocide, and his replacement also quitting and saying the same thing; the UN's response? They wanted to quibble over the term 'genocide', even though they're being informed that many, many people were going to die.

Today, in regards to Israel, the discussion is seriously about whether or not the term 'genocide' is apropos, when the real issue here is that over 30,000 people have died, and food, water and medicine are being withheld.

Call it whatever the hell you want, just put a damn stop to it already; these actions are killing in the former a million people, and in the latter at least over 30,000 people and rising.

If this was happening to a Western country no one would entertain for a moment having a discussion on whether or not this is a genocide, everyone would be bending over backwards to put a stop to it; no one would care what you call it. For the last several months, Israel has been dropping bombs intended for fortified military targets on civilian centers; on apartment buildings and vital infrastructure. If this was happening to France or Germany, would the discussion in public right now actually be about whether the attacks fall under genocide or just typical war acts, or would everyone be in agreement that they need to come to an end because these attacks are unacceptable?

Hell, we have the answer already when Iran attacked military targets in Israel and that British politician on TV (no idea who he was; he was the guy who was asked by the reporter if Britain would respond had their own embassy been attacked and he said Britain's response would be strong) was talking about imagine how horrific it would have been had it struck a civilian center.


Any left wing server you guys can recommend? I recall the last time I played, every time in the morning the antisemitic and racist termites would crawl out of their holes, and every now and then I'd get anti-Roma racism during the day (was playing on EU servers). I was tempted to give Asian realms like Korea and Taiwan a shot, but the last time I played on Asian servers (in Diablo Immortal), I only understood like 10% of the chat. On EU and American servers everyone usually speaks English. I rolled EU initially because a buddy of mine was playing EU servers, and unfortunately you can't switch regions.

With the genocide going on in Gaza, I really don't have the stomach to be reading people talking about Gazans having the genocide coming to them, I also don't want to be reading blatant antisemitism either (a high ask given I'm looking for a WoW classic server). I found someone talking about their left wing guild, but it's on WoW retail sooooo......


I keep every now and then feeling the urge to return and I think it's more because the grind in WoW, especially now that I've realized rogue is the perfect class for me, is a great way to switch off my brain and just play and grind.

When I first played WoW for years, I played with a warlock that I liked thematically but was actually terrible at; I played warlock, warrior and druid, and I was terrible/mediocre at all three, but when I got WoW classic back when it first launched, I played rogue and was blown away by how easy it was to be good at being a rogue, but also how capable they were in solo play as well (which I thought they wouldn't be).

What killed the game for me though was when 'the realization' hit; that realization being the core goal: You farm the current raids over and over and over, so that you can be well geared for when the next raid drops and then you farm that raid over and over and over again, so that you can be well geared for when the next raid drops and then you farm that raid over and over and over again, ad infinitum.

Basically: You farm, so you can farm, so you can farm, so you can farm, etc. infinitely.

I recall when I first did Molten core, my guild and I were terrible and couldn't beat ragnaros the first time, then we went next week and through much struggle managed to kill him, and then I was dismayed because I realized I was going to be back there again next week, and the next, and the next, forever until we were all geared up, so that when the next raid dropped, we could farm that one over and over and over again infinitely, etc. That realization killed the game for me immediately and as far as my guild was concerned, I just dropped off the face of the earth cause I logged out and never wanted to go back in again. What an utterly stupid and awful concept, gameplay intended to make you farm for the rest of your life and to keep giving you reasons to keep logging in forever rather than play something else.

Now however I'm in the mood for something I can do absentmindedly, and the gameplay and artstyle of World of Warcraft are both great for me (world of warcraft classic mind you; I don't think I want to play WoW retail ever again. I stopped playing WoW retail back during wrath of the lich king (2nd expansion pack) and only briefly touched the game during cataclysm. I tested my warlock super briefly during one of the recent expansion packs and was immediately turned off by the bizarre new powers he got and the unintelligible new talent screen). I tried playing guild wars 2, and I have an immense respect for what they accomplished with it, but the way your abilities work is not as fun as WoW and the cartoony artstyle of WoW is more appealing to me.

I'm super tempted to go back, and the rogue's gameplay fits me like a glove. I don't know though if I should go back; when I first played WoW, I was so trash at the game and I never joined a guild, so I missed almost every single raid experience, and I missed the many, many dungeons in Wrath of the lich king and beyond.

I recently decided to download a host of free to play MMOs to try and chase that absentminded grind gameplay, but I already recognize the world of Azeroth and most of the important NPCs and storylines, these other games I know very little or nothing about. Before I get a subscription to WoW again though, I might try Neverwinter at least to see if it scratches that itch (at least Forgotten Realms is somewhat familiar to me).

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

I noticed similar sentiments to this before; why are some Turkish people kissing up to Europeans like this?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

The very same Palestinians we're being promised would gut us if they had the chance.

Addendum but not related to Palestine:

While libs back on blue stormfront were actually defending Trump when he was tossing around the idea of invading Venezuela, back in 2005 Venezuela and Cuba offered aid to Americans after Hurricane Katrina: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2005/9/5/venezuela-and-cuba-offer-us-aid


I don't even know the historical premise of the movie, I just thought this was hilarious.


Yeah, because the Algerians just famously sat around and waited for the French to leave, and even if they fought, not like they were in any actual danger.

Yeah the French totally left all on their own, and this love of the freedom fighters is comparable to American conservatives.

That thread is a ~~gold~~ crap mine of dunk tank posts.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Evilsandwichman@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I found a study that says that dried cucumbers go up in calories because of this or that getting concentrated, but like, the raw cucumber even if eaten whole with all that stuff in there, it still has a minuscule amount of calories. How does drying it raise the calories? Please explain like I'm 5.

The study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/292994599_Nutritive_value_of_convection-dried_Cucumis_sativus

Edit: I tried rereading it but I still don't get it. If you have a bucket of water with 10 stones in it, and then freeze or steam it, we're still looking at 10 stones. I don't get how this works.

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