From all the negative press, Suicide Squad sounds like it's not worth the storage space.
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The irony of suicide squad getting its best player count ever in a couple of weeks.
Not gonna lie, kinda stoked on Hot Pursuit.
I bought it cheap some time ago because I got fed up playing on the small screen of my Switch Lite. It's still really good and on PS5, it automatically plays with a 60fps mode.
One of my favorite games of all time. Got it full price on launch day and never regretted it once
I played it waaaaaay back in the day and remember loving it so I’m eager to lay it remastered.
I haven't played NFS since Most Wanted, glad to hear this is a good one, will give it a try.
This and burnout paradise are made by the same people and I absolutely love them both
Nice! I like burnout games.
Stanley payable is worth a play if you missed it when it came out. Pretty entertaining for a walking sim. Good sense of humour. Seeing as I played it a year or so ago though I'm decidedly not impressed with this month's offerings.
I'll give SS a crack. Interested to see how rocksteady went with it given I hold their Arkham games in high regard. Prepared to be underwhelmed though.
They gave the worst one the most screen space.
Hot Pursuit was fun on the Xbox 360. It's basically Burnout with police chases.