As someone who has spent half their professional life looking at network packet drops, I may be biased, but it's interference.
There's no directly "geographical" causes, but there's a 99% chance the fob works in 2.4Ghz. Depending where in that 2.4-2.5 spectrum it functions (which will depend entirely on the car model), something else at your apartment is filling that frequency too.
Sadly that something can be just about anything - power lines, telecom wires, lights, any faulty/poorly shielded electronics or electronics using constant wireless comms, someone else's car, nearby antennae you name it. Only way you'd likely find where it is is with an RF meter/Spectrum analyzer and a lot of patience. My neighbour used to illegally over-power their network router which fucked up most wireless anythings in a 20-meter radius.