[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

Looks very cool, I'm envious! Plus a good game which I will never forget for its relentless use of the phrases "jacking in" and "jacking out" of various ports in the world. I jacked Megaman in so many things.

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 11 points 12 hours ago

How very juche juche-boi

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 6 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

If I'm not mistaken, the game is essentially about starting your own soviet republic under the USSR (and presumably handwaving away the idea of non-monetary cooperation between soviets) so yep, no pre-existing anything.

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 8 points 15 hours ago

Notably there was clearly no "nobody won" option, so who do you fuckin' pick

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 24 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

This is my favourite counter to the dumb metaphor.

Libs really are just ordering the chicken instead of immediately realising none of the food could possible by trustworthy, and the whole airline is fundamentally flawed for getting to this point.

"Chicken please." this-is-fine

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 1 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

a large part of it is bc phones are necessary and for many people they can only afford one high price tag electronic device

Honestly that makes a lot of sense. Perhaps this is the ignorance of my techy-bubble where I have a couple decent-spec computers by necessity of the job.

And I completely relate with the blackberrys, I had an old-styley phone with a foldout keyboard and I absolutely loved it! 10x the typing speed and comfort on that phone than I've had with any phone since.

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 24 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Why the heck do people my age and younger all universally use phones for everything? It sucks.

Just browsing on a phone alone weirds me out. I work in tech, my phone is fairly modern and sizeable, I'm not even that old, but I simply can't get on with it.

  • Phones are almost always slow to load, ugh
  • 95% of people don't use Firefox + Adblock so it's full of shitty ads and I don't even know how to use the internet with ads anymore
  • Touchscreens are never precise enough to touch small buttons (and I have dainty fingers),
  • So many sites have a 'mobile-friendly' version that often lacks functionality I need. A big percent of website visits on my phone require me to use 'Desktop mode'.
  • Typing into stuff requires the on-screen keyboard, which takes a minimum 40% of the screen, so I can't see and type at the same time.
  • Screen tiny.

I do browse on my phone, but holy hell do I hate it. Why does anyone prefer it ever when there's a choice? Is it just because I have a dedicated ergonomic desktop setup? But even then I'd prefer using my laptop on my bed any day of the week before being confined to my phone.

And don't get me started on using any mobile OS other than Lineage. The amount of undisableable notifications makes me cry.

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 3 points 1 day ago

How do ye! Unfortunately I'm the only other user here who isn't a LIB so watch out for these other sly nerds

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 19 points 1 day ago

Uncritical support for Hexbear for distracting feds from their real work fedposting

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

A small (big) loan (tax-exempt gift) of 1 (fifteen) million dollars

[-] CarbonScored@hexbear.net 16 points 2 days ago

Though I am too disappointed by my cohort, millenials still have a relative overall left-slant, so a drift to the left absolutely isn't ruled out yet.


This is just a short, easy-to-read paper I keep in my bookmarks and go back to occasionally. It explores, qualitatively, the various outcomes that contact with alien intelligence might have. I think it's a really cool 25-page exploration of possibilities that are fun to think about. Some choice quotes:

ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) might attack us not out of selfishness but instead out of a universalist desire to make the galaxy a better place.

perhaps ETI make contact with Earth to welcome us into the Galactic Club but only after we complete a set of required bureaucratic tasks


They may be interested in incorporating us into their civilization so they can sell us their products, keep us as pets, or have us mine raw materials for them.

if ETI place intrinsic value on lives, then perhaps they could bring about more lives by destroying us and using our resources more efficiently for other lives

My favourite section is the "unintentional harm" outcomes, which suggests the possibility that they just might squish us by accident.

One non-biological physical hazard that we could face from direct contact with ETI is unintentional mechanical harm. For example, ETI might accidentally crush us while attempting an unrelated maneuver.


Can't for the life of me find where I first heard of this, but I just wanted to share it for being fun and fairly silly yet still officially worked on by NASA.

submitted 4 months ago by CarbonScored@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net


"99% of dentists across the south-west aren’t accepting any new adult patients."

Getting anything but emergency healthcare in the UK is nigh impossible for much of the country now, I've been on the waiting lists of all my local dentists for over 18 months.

This'll get spread around as heavily as that misleading bread line photo from the USSR, right?

Kill slave owners (hexbear.net)

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/52. Lemme kick it off with the still top rated post on hexbear.net, probably worth restating for our federation friends too.

edit: this post has gained a lot of traction over the course of the last three months so I believe some clarification is needed

this title is indeed a land of contrast, and i think the following statement should do a better job at voicing what I really meant with this post:

people who think they can own one or several human beings and treat them as their property or capital do indeed deserve to die, preferably sooner than later, and not of natural causes; helping accelerate this process by loading a rifle with ammunition, pointing it at a slave owner and pulling the trigger is a good idea and should be done when possible. hopefully this clarified the stuff

The post that announces the death of Henry Alfred Kissinger better overtake this one as the most upvoted post.

edit:edit:The killing slavers fandom is dying! Upbear to murder a plantation owner right now!

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