For ExoBio I strongly recommend ED HudMod
While it allows you to customize the colours of your HUD it also has mod that allows you to change how the heatmap for biologicals is displayed. It's far more effective than the in-game one.
Elite Dangerous related community. Tips and Tricks about the game.
1.) No NSFW content 2.) Don't fly without rebuy
For ExoBio I strongly recommend ED HudMod
While it allows you to customize the colours of your HUD it also has mod that allows you to change how the heatmap for biologicals is displayed. It's far more effective than the in-game one.
For exploration read this
I finally got around to trying exploration, and enjoyed it. Mapping systems way out in the black is a very chill activity, and goes well with some good music and light web browsing. Finding your first undiscovered Earth-like world is exciting, and having your name attached to it when you return the data is a nice reminder of the experience. I don't know much about mining or exobiology yet.
Advice for returning players 2025 thread:
In case you weren't playing when it appeared, there is now an engineered frame shift drive that you can just walk up and buy if you have the right materials from your earlier gameplay. It might be helpful while figuring out what you want to do. (The even newer supercruise overdrive models let you boost in supercruise, but the already-engineered ones require more effort to get, and you probably don't need them for now.)
New ships: Type-8, Mandalay, Cobra Mk V. The first one can be bought for credits if you have Odyssey; the others are still in early access, requiring ARX to buy. They're designed for better handling in supercruise overdrive, and word is that they're all very good at their specialty.
You don't need a fancy expensive ship for effective exploration. A Diamondback Explorer with a good FSD will take you a long way.
Pioneer Supplies branches sometimes have upgraded suits and weapons that can give you a jump start in on-foot work. All you need for these are credits, but inventory is small and shared by everyone in the game, so good luck is a factor as well. New stock is randomly distributed every Thursday. Here's a thread where people post their finds:
Materials for engineering are generally more abundant and easier to get now.
EDDB is gone, but Inara is still with us, and still very useful for finding things:
You can still contribute to the community-sourced information databases that drive tools like Inara's, by running a utility while you play the game. Having it upload data to Inara is also handy for tracking how your ships are outfitted and what materials you have.
ED Shipyard and Coriolis are still around, for experimenting with ship builds:
Power Play 2.0 has completely changed how the major factions interact and award their special ship modules. It's better overall, but very new and still has balance problems. I pledged and am mostly enjoying it. You can ignore it entirely without having your gameplay affected in any significant way. The forum is here:
I think Luriant's ToDo List is still relevant:
Galnet News Digest has nice audio summaries of what's going on at any given time:
The Pilots Trade Network often offers carrier loading & unloading jobs that pay well:
The Fleet Carrier Owners Club often offers free ferry rides between the bubble and Colonia: