Good warm night everyone. ๐ฅ๐๏ธ
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Beep Beep ๐
๐ฅ๐ฅฌ๐ฅ๐ฝ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ง
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Mango shaved ice and... Frozen bananas... And ghost pepper chilli con carne
F me I need itunes to get a custom ringtone? Damn. I remember the days where you lived and died by itunes. It was essential for management of an iPhone. Now? I dont reckon I've even got it installed!
ah well worth it for this
And with itunes it is so easy to WIPE THE PHONE
Look on the bright side: few iPhone owners bother because of how much of a hassle it is, so you'll be more special.
I take for granted how trivial everything is to do on Android. These days, my iOS device is an iPad mini, so ringtones aren't a thing.
and the dog tried to bite the vet again. for fucks sake. Dogs now got anti anxiety meds, but I reckon its time to speak to a trainer or something. Had a couple of "incidents" now so might be time to actually address rater than just keep hoping he will get better.
I opened the windows upstairs, hopefully the through air current will cool it down .
Done 2 loads of washing and some tidying but finding it hard to get motivated.
Dog goes to the door when asked if he wants to play. As soon as he gets outside, he runs straight to a patch of grass and starts munching on it, unfazed by toys.
Alright, so edible question. My doc recommended trying gummies which arrived today. They are 10mg thc/10mg CBD. I'm not really across what this equates to in terms of strength... Obviously edibles are slow onset, but how strong is this going to end up being in comparison to other methods of consuming (smoking, vaping etc).... I've had edibles exactly once 25 years ago, and they tasted so nice that I did the have way too much thing. Not wanting that to happen with these....
Try one out on the weekend at home then you'll get an idea of strength and how long it last etc.
Yeah, that was the plan. Just looking for a bit of a heads up I guess.
I'm a very regular edible consumer. For me, it's 45 minutes after dosing to start feeling the effects, 90 minutes to actually feel stoned, and a few hours before it starts wearing off. Quite a different experience to inhaled THC. My regular dose is between 5mg to 10mg, definitely feel toasted but it's comfortable and pleasant.
If I got your script I would start at a third of a gummy and see how I felt, before increasing if needed over different sessions on following days.
I clicked that once and now every ad on my instagram is this