It took 6 weeks but I got my ridiculous $200 parking fine waived! Thank goodness... I really didn't need an extra cost on top of everything else. Never making that mistake again. Not parking there after June this year anyhow!
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Thank goodness you had it waived, it was worth contesting it in the end!
It took a lot of running around to get various documents but I'm glad I pushed through.
Why does my dog continually want to go and sunbake outside when it's 37 cunt degrees out there? He runs to the door like it's urgent. I am not opening it even with those cute pleading eyes.
Yeah, mine's half Mexican, he spent 3 hours last night staring at me for his evening walk.
They have their own way of protesting.
What happens when you let your dog out on a day like this?
He sunbakes on the path like a cat. When he's had enough, he knocks on the door to come in. Half an hour later, he wants to go back out. He prefers this:
But because I have the door shut, he can't sit in his favourite spot.
Ps. He likes to bird watch.
Clicking around a spreadsheet to make it sound like I’m working but I don’t caaaaaaaaaare. 🎶
Woohoo, pakige! After inexplicably not getting one for over a decade since leaving home (despite growing up religiously using one), I finally got my own Borner V-slicer. Shipped direct from Germany no less - admittedly using Evil Bezos (I had a gift card).
I can't wait to slice up the rest of the daikon and carrot for a MUCH better-looking pickle. And then chunky batons of beetroot to make into a curry. And cabbage for a stir fry... no more questionable knifework!
I only really hope the latest models haven't fallen to enshittification. My mum and aunt have been using their older ones for like 20 years now.
I can see myself losing a finger on that contraption.
They have apparently made them a lot safer (especially with storage - you can now store all the pieces safely without exposing your fingers to the blades)
But yeah my grandma absolutely refused to use them back in the day no matter how convenient they are. I've definitely nicked myself in the past.
V. tired
I think everyone is. A few hot nights in a row is taking it's toll.
back from shops and a bit rested, I got the groceries youse guys wanted. 😊
I'm all 😍 with people's pet pics! Keeping my mind off the fact that I've had an allergic/contact dermatitis reaction to a cream I was using on my facial burns 😭 For a while there I had ouchy annoying weeping burn coupled with OMG I want to scratch my face apart going on. Now have calmed it down a lot, might actually get a good sleep tonight 🥱. That cool breeze through the window is very welcome. I made a bluesky account and have been looking through some stuff. Don't know if it's something I'll do on the regular, but it's interesting until I get sick of it I guess.
~5PM water the plants, enjoying the cool change
~7PM go for a walk, enjoying the cool change
~9PM get some food, enjoying the c-OH NO THERE'S AN ANT INVASION IN THE KITCHEN
please send your highest quality thoughts and prayers
I fucked up the inside of my lip at a show and it's making me fucking miserable. I hate having to swallow half a tube of medijel just to eat...
While I'm here, if you're a decent person and want to help protect trans rights in Australia after the Qld government decided to fuck over trans kids, come to the state library at 10am this Saturday.
Link here, should include events in other cities.
Come on cool change!
Just a few more hours. Stay strong bro. YOU GOT THIS!!!
Sun very red
Breeze very welcomed
I think the cool change has just started to roll in, noticed the temp has dropped quite a bit. Now it's 27.
Yay! Now to get that to happen inside the house…
out here too, thank god!
RIP Troy Selwood.
AFL Lions player and co captain of the Geelong cats VFL side.
Gone far too early.
I am sweating fucking buckets on the train. Lucky I changed into my gym gear leaving the office.
Accidentally spilt pvc primer then cement on my hands, then methylated spirits to get that shit off.
I've never looked so young.
E hands that is not the face that's an uphill battle.
Woke up at 4am due to needing the loo and ended up staying awake for pretty much the rest of the night being cranky about there being so many things I want to do and feeling like I just don’t have the time. Mostly because I’m going into the city for my birthday next weekend and want to do EVERYTHING – places I’ve been, but also try new places.
Anyone got any fav Can’t Miss This sort of city recs? I’m pretty set on going for at least a drink at Pearl Diver, hopefully Rooftop Bar, maybe some ramen at Snow Monkey, a bakery snack, a walk in gardens, urg, see, there’s too much!
Ghost Tour at the Old Melbourne Gaol. Cheesy yes but such fun. Goes for about an hour so leaves plenty of time for other things like eating & drinking.
Home and I have dinner with me. Commence the veg-ing
it was very quiet in my house last night. Too quiet. Almost a bit sad.
Slept with the portable AC on last night and still slept pretty terribly. Looks like it's going to hit max temp at around 2pm today and start cooling down. I'm thinking I'll have to leave some of my windows open today if my apartment has any chance of cooling down after all this hot weather.
Good warm morning everyone 😴😎
Good warm night everyone. 🔥🛏️
off to do some errands
Does anyone want anything from down the shops?