Back in the 60s my parents moved the whole family from England to Australia - all the big furniture (including a piano) went in a shipping container made of wood (!!) which was just plonked by a crane onto the front lawn of the house we moved into in Ringwood. Once emptied, the timber was repurposed by Dad into the lining of the garage so he could put hooks & shelves anywhere not just into the structural supports. We moved out of there in 1988, and the lining timbers were just as good/bad as new. The timber was kinda hairy and shed splinters all the time, but was structurally strong. I wonder to this day just what that timber was and where it came from. I've never seen anything like it since. Nearest guess would be messmate, but this stuff didn't warp like messmate does.
Maybe try some spots along the Murray River. I'm thinking Barmah (red gums) and maybe bits of Hattah-Kulkyne NP. Great birdwatching at both. Bearing in mind that the cold weather isnt too far away now.
For solitaire, try this one - - ads easily blocked and it's free. I've never had any trouble muting sound or choosing other options/settings. Has easy versions and difficult versions of most of the games.
Thanks chef! Some days just require lollipops.
Two lollipops, an espresso martini and a plate of hot chips with guacamole please.
Autumn. About time too. I love this weather too - cool crisp nights and glorious sunny days is my jam. Soon be time to lift & replant the spring bulbs.
Update address databases. That's a good makework/look busy go to. Has stood me in good stead over many many years. It always looks impressive if you start at the END of the alphabet - to casual inspection it looks like you've made a lot of progress. The tail end of the alphabet is usually the last one to be done so usually needs quite a lot of love too.
Print out the noise level requirements including times etc. from your council OR the EPA. Attach to a polite note from you saying you have a toddler that sleeps very lightly and would appreciate it if the noise could be limited after XX time. Leave in letterbox.
If nothing happens, then record a loop of a brass band playing Colonel Bogey (look it up) at full volume, and play that over the fence whenever the noise level next door gets too loud too late. It's nearly the most offensive tune I know.
Be aware that neighbourly noise disputes can lead to knife attacks, so I reckon starting softly is the way to go. They might not realise that this country has noise limits delineated by time. And a nice 'offishul' document might be a good starting point.
Loooove the snek and the blind red panda (?)
We've had a break in at our office overnight! So far nothing appears stolen, but the office is crawling with cops blowing fingerprint dust everywhere.
Could I please have a nice morning tea with bikkies please.