Urgh a cut onion helps breathing when you have a cold with nasal congestion, it doesn’t do jack shit for fever. There’s natural stuff that decently works but gets a bad from morons like this. Ughhhh.
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They probably saved the onions and made a soup.
Were they fresh out of the fridge?
This would be similar to putting feet in cold water, temperature would lower slightly surely?
So just so that instead of onions ya freak
Onions are antibacterial and solve cough mucus, it's not like it's completely made up that they're a natural remedy
... but they don't help with fever, so I'd go even further than you and say the temperature simply dropped because time passed.
Ah so next time I have a cough, eat shit loads of onion?
But yeah haha, time is the likely answer.
Yeah.. My wife does the "bowl of onions" thing when the kids have a flu/cold with congestion. It does help with that part so they can breathe a little easier. It also makes the room stink for up to a week, and I seriously doubt it does anything for temperature unless cleared sinuses somehow also help bring that down.
You can also accomplish similar with a humidifier and some vaporub etc. I prefer the vaporub personally
A friend mixes onions (cut into pieces obviously), ginger and honey and eats that. Doesn't make the room stink, maybe propose that?
...personally I'm a fan of hot tea with honey.
The child's immune system probably just fought off the infection. After all, that's what fever is for.
The blessed fever. Simultaneously saving and killing us.
If you use this trick repeatedly, temperature may drop way further!
I just dance around with a rattle and call on the power of Lemmywinks and it works for me every time
Me tuning the FM radio on my drive to work: