[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 1 points 1 day ago

I don’t think it’s a given, but the moment it happens, it’s over. I love your optimism but I’m far too old to have it too.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 13 points 1 day ago

Finally, a Lemmy user with Christian Values!

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 6 points 3 days ago

That’s a bit of a stretch, let me get some lube first.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 13 points 3 days ago

How utterly nice of you, Miss Quito!

Who, me? (feddit.nl)
[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 0 points 6 days ago

Bumfucking nazi rag tags? Boss-humping drycleaners?

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 2 points 6 days ago

Where? Honestly interested.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

As an example, the blocking/ deleting of accounts without any reason , which is illegal in the EU but is not enforced. The tricks they are pulling to make Edge the default/sole browser (which is sneakier and more persuasive than the original IE6 shit for which they did get punished). Recall, which should have gotten any oversight organisation up in arms.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl -2 points 6 days ago

I agree, but I look at what Google and Microsoft are getting away with and I can’t help but wonder if this is to kill off a competitor by applying the super power lobbyism.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 8 points 6 days ago

That title… but owl allow it.

[-] nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl 6 points 6 days ago

Stop whining, keep pumping that oil and living that excessive lifestyle b***s!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl to c/enoughmuskspam@lemmy.world

It is really hard to grasp, we understand it, Elon.


You got any overmeaw books? Purrrrease return them soon!

submitted 10 months ago by nightwatch_admin@feddit.nl to c/fo4@lemm.ee
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