I asked it about controversies internally
I'm very curious what it spat out for this, seems like the site is part of its data set but I'm curious what it can actually extrapolate from that beyond basic references to known leftist terms
Chat is a text only community for casual conversation, please keep shitposting to the absolute minimum. This is intended to be a separate space from c/chapotraphouse or the daily megathread. Chat does this by being a long-form community where topics will remain from day to day unlike the megathread, and it is distinct from c/chapotraphouse in that we ask you to engage in this community in a genuine way. Please keep shitposting, bits, and irony to a minimum.
As with all communities posts need to abide by the code of conduct, additionally moderators will remove any posts or comments deemed to be inappropriate.
Thank you and happy chatting!
I asked it about controversies internally
I'm very curious what it spat out for this, seems like the site is part of its data set but I'm curious what it can actually extrapolate from that beyond basic references to known leftist terms
You can tell it to search the internet too, so it can access it live
It doesn't have any knowledge of specific struggles we've had, but it has a good understanding of what they would likely be about basically.
I e. Ideological purity, moderation issues etc
Something fucky is happening on my end. I did a dry run ask and it gave me this. When I gave the second prompt, it started generating a response but quickly changed to the current scope response. I asked it twice and same thing happened.
Yeah that happened to me too. Second attempt didn't do that though. I think it's because the mao and struggle session stuff lol
I asked what it knew about hexbear and then asked about struggles sessions and did get this:
Putting my tinfoil hat away for now but it was an interesting quirk, at least.