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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Posts and discussion about the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Hugo Award-winning author Zach Weinersmith (and related works)
New comics posted whenever they get posted on the site, and old comics posted every day until we catch up in a decade or so
I used to like SMBC, but there is absolutely nothing funny about this. The premise has been done to death; the only originality to this take is in the painful level of wordiness. Someone should tell the author that Hot Ones has been on cable for like 3 years, and that brevity is the soul of wit.
The year is 2025 and you are not allowed ro enjoy anything anymore
Sorry but in my opinion, the year is 2025 and you are not allowed to have an opinion on anything any more. You have to put an apology first and state that it is your opinion.
Homie posts 5 times a week, and has been for like 20 years. Let him have some stupid filler, every comic can't be an existential deconstruction of the human condition.
I like most of the recent ones, but yeah this one isn't that great imo (and many of the 2005 ones posted here are rough)