Okay so I've always had this problem with the hot water tap in the shower where if you turn it far right enough it turns on again and goes to full blast (not an analogy for conspiracy theorists, I promise). I have usually been able to turn it to just the right point to get it to stop running without starting again.
However as of the last 3 days or so the showerhead has been dripping incessantly and getting worse and worse. Right now it's a constant trickle. Even if I turn off the tap as much as possible and turn the shower head upside down. ~~I tried to turn it off completely at the mains and IT STILL WONT TURN OFF (and I can see it's my meter for sure as when I have the tap running I can see the mini meter spinning).~~ update: I was an idiot and turned the mains tap the wrong way, it took a lot of turning to go completely off but I managed to shut it down thankfully.
This is beyond an attempt to DIY fix the shower tap, right? Contact the REA asap instead? The main bother is the dripping at night as I can't sleep (E: not without turning off hot water at the mains each time). Nobody's charged me for hot water so far so that's not the issue ... It would be costing the owner a lot though I imagine
E: email sent. Making it sound as dire as possible. Basically either I have increasing dripping or no hot water. I hope they get someone in asap, but it's the same REA who didn't even respect the law and tried to arrange an inspection 2 months into a 6 month lease, so...