I'm sure the most vulnerable in a lazy and angry, anti-science and anti-reason right wing political landscape, can take great comfort in the fact that there are great keyboard warriors like you, heroically sitting on your lazy ass, heroically doing nothing of value, for their benefit.
Date Created: June 21, 2023
This community supports labor, with an aspiration for it to cease to be required to live our lives. Members of this community want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and/or want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.
Anti-Work Library 📚
Essential Reads
Start here! Some of the more talked-about essays on the topic.
- The Abolition of Work by Bob Black (1985) | listen
- On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber (2013) | listen
- In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell (1932) | listen
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Remember that comic about if a button you pushed gave you a 100 dollars but someone on the earth randomly dies ... and everyone is like if you press it 1000 times the likelihood of it killing you is so small who wouldn't press it a thousand times to become a millionaire ?
Yeah that is what we have been living the whole time.
And now the billionaires brag about the button out loud.
Yeah I'm sure a President Kamala Harris would be doing mass deportations, aligning the US with the authoritarians of the world, threatening to invade allies, making tirllion dollar tax cuts for the wealthy ahd would have Elon Musk gutting the federal government right now.
Yep, that would all be happening. Definitely.
FFS The cope coming from the uncommitted crowd is even more insane the cope coming from MAGAs right now.
The only people smoking all the copium they can are the neo liberals ignoring reality.
You love blaming leftists for not supporting right wing centrist Neo libs but are all crickets when it comes to the obvious reality that DNC leadership sabotaging bernie sanders at every possible opportunity illuminated the fact they prefer a Trump administration rather than upsetting their wall street military and prison industry profiteer donors and allowing any movement left to their platform.
But gk ahead and blame people with a brain and conscious who can’t support a party who’s best campaigning is “vote for us, we aren't as awful and only slightly fascist” “vote for us we will maybe murder 20% less Palestinians while we wave pride flags and type out #blm tweets on a fascist echo chamber platform meanwhile we ignore out of control rent prices and stagnant wages.” Federal minimum wage hasnt been adjusted in 16 years which is the longest it has gone unadjusted in since 1938 with the introduction of the fair labor standards act by FDR.
The rest of the developed world considers the democratic party a right wing party. But go ahead keep on voting for right wing centrist corporatism and cling to your delusional beliefs that one day the democrat party donors will let positive change happen even though all signs point to….. they will never let that happen at any price.
DNC could easily have put a winning candidate on the ticket in 2016 and 2020 but they said fuck that they obviously would rather have authoritarian fascism because their donors prefer that to any option that would threaten their capital.
Also Biden had stricter immigration policies than trump did in his first term.
And whats so sad is you centrists will never admit sanders supporters were right and instead just keep parroting corporate neo liberal propaganda that aims to shirt the blame away from those who are actually responsible and could have prevented this.
All I hear is someone that swallowed the "both sides" bait hook, line, and sinker and is now stuck in denial that you got suckered.
At least some of the MAGAs are now admitting that they got scammed.
Thats all you hear because you have cognitive dissonance.
Its a reality, both sides are funded by the same corporate wall street military and prison industry profiteers. Neo liberals like you ignore this, you stick your head in the sand on the reality of what this means. Those who admit it naively believe that we can just fix this at the ballot box. But even princeton has analyzed the reality and their study shows definitively the anount of influence one has on political policymaking is directly proportional to the anount of money you have with regular working class people having a near zero statistically meaningless effect on any policy regardless how popular or popular it is. But go ahead. Im sure the fact that the amount of dead Palestinian women and children’s corpses would be a few tons less under kamala harris than under Donald trump would have allowed you to sleep far more peacefully at night. Anything short of radical change is unacceptable or at bear minimum instant progress resulting in change is unacceptable and all the tired stale corporate funded grifters of the Democratic party establishment have to offer are platitudes and virtue signaling.
Your meme is missing the part where Republicans are actively destroying the US on top of saying "no" to helping the working class.
At least the Democrats only say no.
The democrats sabotaging bernie sanders twice to ensure the party platform would not move to the left even a centimeter ultimately led to this destruction and they were 100% willing to let this happen because this is what their donors preferred but it must be nice living with your head in the sand bub.
And now everyone reading the comments knows why radical communities cannot be on .world.
Neolibs will never admit they were wrong.
They are too busy licking boots and believing the propaganda they are fed that those boots are actually world class A5 Wagyu. Yummm yummm i guess a few les hospitals and schools bombed in whats left of palestine is a massive win for neo-libs?
I'd have to say any of the big oil companies. Probably Aramco, because you have the global warming combined with the human rights abuses. You want a depraved organization run by tyrants, that must be at the top.
Lets not fort get blackrock, state street and vanguard who own massive shares of all these publicly traded companies. Its called circular ownership. Collectively they own 20-25% of every legacy MSM outlet. They have their hands in military and prison industry profiteering industries (petro chemical industry being intrinsically tied to these machinations) and they run massive political donation campaigns in conjunction with PR/ propaganda campaigns. The system is rotten to its very core and there is no hope for self remediation without removing money/ corruption/ the very mechanisms of capitalism itself from the system. Western liberal democracy without economic democracy is nothing more than cleverly disguised class dictatorship.
If 20% of workers stopped participating then that would be met with militarized violence and would dissolve any illusions most people have about a free and just society. This could work or it might just be one step towards a real revolution.
TBF, the red trolley runs a lot faster.
Well, yes, red color gives it a boost.
And kills more people in general.
I don't understand how you guys can just refuse to realize that conditions for minorities inside the US will deteriorate and people will die from it but wouldn't have under the Democrats.
Both sides are not the same and acting like they are is a travesty.
Yeah, it's more like pulling the lever slows the trolley down. It's still killing people, but pulling the lever is obviously better than doing nothing while we work on a way to derail the trolley.
What needs to be done is the train needs to be destroyed.
It would be better if while the trolley was slowed ANYTHING was done to stop the lever from being pulled but nope. The Democratic party acquiesces to the right at any opportunity and acts as if they are completely powerless to do anything.
General anarchy is not the answer that how ppl die in large numbers. I feel you might not be educated on the events of our shared history as this has played out for millenia.
Anarchy does not mean lawlessness. You need to educate yourself. Anarchy means there is no class hierarchy. It is a socialist/communist ideology where communities self police themselves and are not subject to a class dictatorship where the wealthy decide what is law and freely abuse their positions of power with imounity. Communism and socialism in their purest forms would be anarchistic where there is no social or economic class difference between any other person. True equality. This doesn't mean money and commerce do not exist it means that wealth is evenly distributed / redistributed as needed.
Shhhh...! You'll annoy the cartoonish "purity" of whoever posted this narcissistic drivel.
"I have it ALL figured out! Consistency and patience is boring, and so is homework! I want a instant political messiah, and if I don't get exactly my way on the first try, I'm going to pout electorally, while fondling my purity then lovingly, distractedly sniffing my fingers!
To those more vulnerable than me, all I can say is that you don't exist in MY world!"
Yeah it is funny looking over the last 45 years and its like clearly we have one party destroying things and one that mostly has to go around and fix whats been destroyed and occasionally can get far enough to build out a bit more or better. Its randomly switching from better to worse because better is not perfect that has been killing us.
There is a way. There has been a way. The elite have spent over a century fighting it. I have no idea how to convince people to do it.
We don't even need to become truly communist. In fact our current system could work with a few tweaks.
One way is the general strike. I don't know how many unions are participating. We have 3 years.
Another effective way is stopping transportation. You all remember how much the elite freaked out when just the rail unions went on strike.
Stop the trains. Stop the planes. Stop the semis, stop the barges on the Mississippi, and the Great lakes. Shut down the ports.
The elite enjoy power because they control the money. We don't need to use violence or our voices against them, because they can organize quicker and shout louder.
Economic warfare.
Weird how the trolly didn't run over women's right to an abortion due to the trolley being blue.
Both sides are not the same.
Weird how democrats didn't do a damn thing to counter what they did. Codify roe? Nope, pack the supreme court with justices that arent biased and acting in bad faith? Nope. Term limits for supreme court justices? Nahhhh we can also thank RBG for holding onto that position with a death grip until the end so that a fascist could replace her with a fascist justice.
If you think the system can just repair itself if we get out and vote harder, for candidstes that have no appeal to people with a brain because tbey are entirely owned by the same wall street military and prison industry profiteers that own and fund the right you're living in a fantasy of delusion.
I didn't say the democrats are perfect. They're ass.
But they're not the ones that killed roe.
Think about it this way.
The Democratic party actively sabotaged bernie sanders twice because they would rather see trump elected than allow a more left leaning presidential administration to gain power. So then in reality the Democrats bare a significant portion of responsibility for the end of roe v wade.
Then stop running defense for them. They're another party of millionaires and capitalists
It did, however, break a strike despite legally being unable to and did so without challenge. So you know. Both sides are the same regardless of aesthetics like non monetary human rights.
Bringing up some point where they're no better doesn't dismiss a point showing they aren't the same.
The effect is the same even if the targets are different. Lgbtq people aren't ubermensch. They're not super human. They're not some untouchably high class. Our oppression is everyone else's, and so on. Just because you're now a victim doesn't change the fact there's the same number of victims.
The US state and it's owners are the only enemy. Whatever colour the puppets are don't matter. Until you understand that you will always fail to make the world better, you will just change the current victims. That's all that happened when Obama or Biden were elected. The victims changed.
Reminder that the system doesn't have to be two party. Ranked choice voting (aka single transferable vote), proportional representation - these things increase political competition by making more parties mathematically possible and give us greater control over our government.
It's already been implemented in some States and municipalities across the country. If yours isn't one of them, it could be. There are several orgs trying to get this done such as Rank The Vote. Check to see if you have a local chapter and how you can help them!