Hi, Canada here.
This IS an act of unprovoked economic war.
You are NOT our friends anymore.
Not sure what your problem with us was, but message received, loud and clear.
We’re going to go drink with Mexico and Europe now.
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Hi, Canada here.
This IS an act of unprovoked economic war.
You are NOT our friends anymore.
Not sure what your problem with us was, but message received, loud and clear.
We’re going to go drink with Mexico and Europe now.
Hi Canada,
I will miss you. I hope, someday, after we take down this thug, we can be friends again.
PS: I would also accept adoption, should you ever want to go there.
Can we adopt you and Oregon and Washington and then tarriff the shit out of any products that need to cross through the western coast from China to America?
We would love to have you! We would have to discuss your gun situation (you'd have to get rid of them), however free healthcare is nice.
The problem is the orange man with tiny hands has a tiny penis complex, and needs to take it out on the world.
Not sure what your problem with us was,
It's very kind and Canadian of you to think it was anything you did. You're just unfortunate enough to exist next to us.
We are now (now?) the proverbial abusive narcissist.
Did it start yesterday?. Is there a dolorian and a flux capacitor involved?
This makes me think he's bad at business
We already knew that.
In other news Trump threatens to huff and puff and blow their house down.
Larger scale trades factor in risk. Even if this one is just for Canada, and even if it only lasts as long as the orange stain, the damage done goes far beyond and will take decades to fix.
The US election system cannot be trusted to produce stable governance required for trade and other agreements. Most Americans (less likely the ones on lemmy), are not aware of just how poorly the US is viewed, and how far behind it appears to be on almost every aspect of society.
It saddens me, because most Americans are good people.
This will genuinely have very little impact on Canada. Very little of our dairy is exported but it makes Trump look like he's the big tough man with the big peepee to his base I guess.
The onion / not the onion / whatever man
Sorry Americans, here goes your main source of dairy products that weren't produced with questionable hormones.
Yeah, our untainted cow milk may be cut off, but on the upside, we are swimming in the production of bull shit
Raw milk with added hormones is what real men drink as they sun their taint in the mid-day sun.
I totally forgot about that sun-bathing of the taint stuff
I wanted to forget
Shit gets real when you sunburn your asshole on taco night.
I feel like it should be noted in the title that it refers exclusively to dairy products, and is in response to Canada's variable tariff on American dairy that can go as high as 250%. This makes it sound like he wants to impose a blanket 250% tariff on Canadian goods for no reason, and that's just not the case
Noted, and added. Headline was pulled from the URL, I didn't want to editorialize, but this is a good point.
Huh. Well, that's a nice feature Reddit doesn't have. Ability to correct post headlines.
So in the usual US media tradition, no muance is included.
I assume the reasons for Canada's tariffs are the same as they were in 2018 for setting prices and the 'Canada already taxing at 250%' is referring to the max tariff after quotas are met. Of course the US retaliation won't be tied to a quota and would apply to all imports because we move being all or nothing.
Canada heavily regulates its dairy industry with a supply management system that impacts production and sets target prices for dairy products. As a part of that system, it uses set tariff rate quotas (TRQ) for imports. Dairy products imported before a quota on a product is met are subject low tariffs or no tariffs, while products imported after the quota are subject to tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent.
Bascially, Canada is putting tariffs on the excess imports that flood the market but a reasonable amount of product has very low or no tariffs. That seems perfectly reasonable to me, but then I don't buy into the line must go up mindset.
I don't think people have an issue with the reasoning. The problem is that this is the 3rd or 4th time in, what, 5 weeks, that Trump has threatened tariffs? And we've seen the damage that is flooding to the markets.
As an example, we don't have tariffs on wood right now, but because of the constant back and forth on it, suppliers have just gone ahead and kept their prices high to reflect the uncertainty of future sales. A 2x4, 10', has nearly doubled since the beginning of February until now, even though tariffs on wood imports never officially happened. Just the constant threats are fucking things up.
Someone needs to embargo and blockade this dude's two remaining brain cells.
Brave assumption he has 2 to begin with.
They are both in use to keep him standing at that weird angle