[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

I like to think half of the last letter is cut off and it's "free doom," which is, disgustingly, what kids in Palestine are getting.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

They must still be paying for that one.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Oh, be one, Kenobi. We don't need three.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 29 points 3 days ago

Right?! After a review like that, I want a pair.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 14 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yeah, my first playthrough, I thought it was just NPCs chirping around me, but it turned out that they were real people! As players got more scarce, it was truly a special experience finding someone and going through parts of the game with them. I remember I encountered someone a few levels in and we somehow ended up together until we crawled up the snowy mountain, trying to keep each other from freezing. Not a single word spoken, yet this game has such powerful messaging.

I hope you get the opportunity to encounter your own Journey companion on a playthrough. :)

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

Journey is my favorite game, hands down. It was even more magical in the years after its release and there were still a bunch of active players. Did you encounter any others on their journey in your game?

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 167 points 1 week ago

She would almost certainly have threatened to contact her "solicitor," not her "attorney," if it were real, given she's from/in the UK. Still a very entertaining read, though.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 169 points 2 months ago

We know why we're hated; it's why those of us who strive to exemplify professionalism, ethics, and civility are so angry and depressed. It's why I've been having a career crisis because I always wanted to go into law, but only to do good, and now it feels like there is so little legitimacy to the judicial branch.

Fuck the people who abuse the rule of law until there is none, fuck Trump and his cronies, and fuck SCOTUS for fucking us. Now excuse me, I have to go cry in a corner.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by alquicksilver@lemmy.world to c/googlepixel@lemmy.world

Hi all,

I have backups turned off everywhere I can find the ability to do so on my pixel 8 pro, but am regularly (multiple times per week) getting notifications that my Google storage is almost full. Lo and behold, every time I check drive, I suddenly have a backup that I have to delete, again and again. Does anyone have any tips? It's really making me regret getting a Google phone, since I don't need my phone connected to my email.

Thanks in advance! :)

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 115 points 3 months ago

Not really. From the article:

“Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole—that’s going to be the least of it. It’s gonna be a bloodbath for the country,” he declared.

While the context may have been "auto industry," the message was clear.


What are some (non-English) idioms, and what do they mean (both literally and in context)? Odd ones, your favorite ones - any and all are welcome. :)

For example, in English I might call someone a "good egg," meaning they're a nice person. Or, if it's raining heavily, I might say "it's raining cats and dogs."

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 120 points 4 months ago

Trump, meanwhile, has claimed he made Swift “so much money” and argued she’d be “disloyal” if she supported Biden, like she did in 2020.

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 175 points 7 months ago

“I’m sorry — if you only want to work four hours, it’s going to be harder for you to get a house,” she said

What a joke. I spent the better part of the last three years working 70 hour weeks until I burned myself to a crisp. I'm much better off financially than many people my age, yet I am somehow still years away from homeownership and starting a family - if I ever can.

Maybe Whoopi should retire and let a millennial do her job for her pay. Not me; I don't think I'd be able to work as hard as her. 🙄

I wish famous people would just shut up if they're going to say stupid shit. I don't want her tainting my TNG rewatch.


I'm upgrading because my phone is losing (lost?) support. I use a OnePlus 7 Pro and love it and wouldn't bother upgrading otherwise. I'd appreciate some recommendations of android phones you like, please.

Thank you in advance! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

[-] alquicksilver@lemmy.world 177 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's simply not the BBC's job to tell people who to support and who to condemn - who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.

I miss when this was the standard for news. Now most (e: major) outlets don't even try to pretend they have no bias and instead push a subjective point. Even when I agree with the point, I don't like it when my "news" pushes it instead of just, you know, reporting.

Give me the info and let me form my own opinions.

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