Too old to explore the world, too young to explore the universe.
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i found out living history is actually awful.
I used to think what it was like to live in time when history changed, like collapsing of the Ancient Rome. Now I hate myself for living on time like that.
i rue everyday that i'm not a graduate of starfleet academy and don't have fully automated gay space communism enabling me to live my best life.
I'm thankful I was in my late teens and early 20s during the 90s. It was pretty good and I have a lot of nostalgia for it. The cold war ended. Berlin Wall fell. Mandela walked free. Such an optimistic time. And great music to boot!
Also had internet but no smart phones. You had to take your whole computer to Lan parties.
I both do and don't miss LAN parties. Like getting everyone playing took forever, then you played a few rounds of that game. Someone suggested a different game. Rinse, repeat until the sun comes up.
And you'd have to deal with dodgy IPX drivers for your network card. And someone forgot the coax 50ohm terminator at home etc. But still I'm glad I have those memories.
hosting them was such a pain in the ass too, i only did it once and didn't have enough space or power outlets for everyone; some of them had to play without speakers. lol
You had to take your whole computer to Lan parties.
that shit was a pain the ass to disassemble and heavy; especially if you had huge 20+ crt monitors and had to balance it on your lap because there wasn't enough space on the table. lol
Then itβs time to chance something.
Whats bothering you?
gestures broadly
Grandmaβs on fire?!