I sincerely hope this is a joke.
The sad part is, even if it is, someone will take it seriously.
I sincerely hope this is a joke.
The sad part is, even if it is, someone will take it seriously.
The innocent grocer, while being 'educated':
I don't get why someone would chose this format to communicate this information?
Video? Really?? This should have been a shitty infographic at best
This made me irrationally angry.
I showed this to a zen Buddhist monk, and he punched a hole in the door and stormed out.
That was me...thanks to this video that gloryhole will never be the same
Obviously because it's only right to consume information while it is in motion across the screen.
I only think thoughts that are caught mid-air whilst falling from some trolls ass
That must make for a very lively harvest season...