Oh noes, the dreaded commie propaganda of (can't check notes because being illiterate)... reading.
For the dankest of all memes
something about education turning people communist or something
Pointing at vegetables is always a banger. Lukashenko feeding Steven Seagal a carrot in a field was the peak of the genre.
The man loves his produce
Omg Seagal’s movies were so bad and funny when he started to befriend Lukashenko and Putin🤣😭
I love that it's now devolved into him sitting in a chair most of the movie.
Yea lol, as awful as Cum Town can be at times, their Steven Seagal bit on YT was so damn funny, highly recommend vid
i don't think i ever seen a capitalist politician read a newspaper
also is that trotsky on the top left?
Photos just before catastrophe
I tried to find some and whilst there are a few (especially of Nixon) it's proving pretty hard to find any as good as these
Oh Garfield, your hatred of Mondays is matched only by my hatred of landlords.
- Mao Zedong
“Research and Development: Putting in the man hours to study the science of what you need”-from the Quotations of Mao Zedong
For your health!
I love the Check It Out! themesong so much, so soothing
The "Kim Family Special" - visiting an industrial facility and pointing at the machinery while smiling - remains my favorite genre. It's just so wholesome.
He has some great ones. Wholesome chad