I had to go there recently for Milk at like midnight (My Dad is so odd lol, he drinks milk at the most random hours and NEEDS 2 gallons of milk in the fridge at all times) and not to sound judgmental or rude, but you see the strangest assortment of people there. They also typically have a cop car in their parking lot which is super weird. Lots of “surveillance cameras” that I hear from some people are not even powered. Half the cameras are empty just to scare you, some of them are real and they show you what’s being filmed to discourage theft. Anything for cost cutting measures. I suppose the threat of a camera is just as good as a physical camera, hell it worked on me, I didn’t steal anything.

I have no anti-comm shirt in time for 4th of July!!!😡😤🤬Laterally 1967


In case anyone was wondering what to get me for Xmas…hint hint😂 /s

Fuck Twitter (lemmygrad.ml)

Recently I had been going on Twitter a lot instinctively when I was bored. I guess I liked the interactions but tbh it’s so bad. Left Twitter has 3 kinds of people: (1) Acts like they are the embodiment of Marxism, nobody else knows anything and nobody else reads according to them. (2) Doesn’t care about theory or material conditions, just looking for a controversial side to join and loves posting about Russia and Jackson Hinkle/Haz. (3) Wreckers (on purpose or not makes little difference) who want to shut down any and all acts of popular resistance because “nothing ever happens”. “What are these campus protests even doing for the people in Palestine?” They say while ignoring Yemeni and Lebanese rallies with posters addressing students to continue their protests. And I would add the folks trying to become a “character” or something or like the voice of Left Twitter, but usually they fall into of the previous 3 categories (feel free to add any that you think I missed). And that’s just the Left. At LEAST they have decent takes to start with that they can ruin slowly over time. Then you get to the libs who have all been scratched. Then you push further right and you get people with usernames I can’t even say here and yet they aren’t banned from Twitter. Not to mention all the incels putting Ancient Rome on a pedestal when they would probably be slaves or merchants at best. I tried to quit Twitter a week ago and it was tough at first, but now I wanna make it like 3 weeks. If I’m still not missing Twitter I’ll prob just keep it for when friends and family send me posts from it but I probably won’t scroll thru.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 4 months ago

I love how American democracy provides us with many different positions and perspectives/s

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml to c/us_news@lemmygrad.ml

I mean seriously: what is he running his campaign based on? Feel free to look around, usually you can find campaign promises on a Candidate’s official website or their social media pages, but Hasan brought up a great point, when you go on Biden’s site, you see how to donate, how to buy merch(aka donate, the markup on everything in those “stores” is ridiculous) how to work with them (free labor) or basic stuff like Privacy, Terms and Cond., accessibility, etc. Notice the lack of Campaign Promises, Issues he runs on, or even something as trivial and basic as an Accomplishments/Accolades list. For fuck’s sake, EVEN I put my accomplishments on a resume for a job that doesn’t require a degree, and Biden’s team doesn’t even have anything useful to brag about for a man running for re-election to one of the most powerful nations on Earth. I also checked out the White House official website and the only issues they have are not updated since like 2020-2021. Ahem, First Issue to be tackled is COVID-19: Well elephant in the room is that Biden didn’t do much, a better job than Trump without a doubt, but more time had already passed, more breakthroughs were made in that time, Covid was slowing down a lot by the time Biden was inaugurated. Granted there are still more cases but far fewer so I’ll give him half a point for that. And that’s being generous. CLIMATE CHANGE: Well, I can’t blame all of Climate Change on Biden, but the 1.5 degree C threshold was broken 2023, in fact it was the hottest year based on global average temperatures, 2024 likely won’t be better. Again, not all his fault, but he really hasn’t delivered on that promise. No points for that one. RACIAL EQUALITY: This one is tougher to prove or debunk, but I will say he didn’t do anything about Cop City, he helped to build parts of the Border Wall that he dumped on Trump for and has most likely forgotten that BLM was ever a thing. So no points for that one either. ECONOMY: This one is anecdotal I admit, but goddamn look at inflation, gas prices aren’t awful but food prices and clothing prices are rising fast. I don’t think Biden supporters would even give him that one, so again no points awarded. HEALTHCARE: lol nope, next. IMMIGRATION: Bro built part of the border wall, arrests and deportations are still very common. Not to mention that he did nothing about Greg Abbott’s crimes of kidnapping (he illegally bussed migrants to Blue States with no communication or planning with said Blue States, essentially leaving them homeless in Midwest Winters). I want to give him a negative point for that, but he doesn’t have a full 1 point yet, so I’ll just give him a zero for that. RESTORING AMERICA’S GLOBAL STANDING: This one is weird, like even when other countries thought Trump was an idiot, the US was still seen as a dangerously powerful nation. Also, just kinda confused, what is our global standing supposed to refer to? Does it imply that we are respected around the world for having a mature world leader? Because Trump was about as stupid as Dan Quayle (GB Sr’s Vice President)and George W Bush, and apparently those dumbfucks didn’t ruin our reputation or “global standing”. So how is Biden, our oldest president who routinely has gaffs and senior moments, the best and brightest we can offer? I guess a few European countries like Biden better because he’s a tiny bit smarter and nicer in person than Trump is. Lastly I’m gonna touch on his ads quickly. It’ll be pretty damn quick because I’ve only seen like 2-3 ads for him. One has Obama in it, one is just Joe talking about how he isn’t Trump and that he may have to face him again, and the last one is an ad where he tries to come off as energetic and determined. None of these ads are memorable for more than 10 seconds. It’s easy to forget his messaging because none of it is tailored to him. Besides the fact that he was VP, there’s no reason to put Obama in the ad, he isn’t on the ballot, he’s retired. People are also reluctant to vote for a man who may or may not survive the entirety of his second term. And Kamala Harris as VP isn’t helping that reluctance.


So they are really into the whole “not a business, we’re family” type shit. My boss called me a few times like an hr after work to see what I learned today. I learned that you’re a fuckin asshole w no boundaries dude. Get this, today for morning meeting, he tells us about how “actually, people in poverty are much more similar to wealthy people. And poor and rich people are similar because they’re complacent.” We’re supposed to write down notes smh. Halfway through his dumbass speech, I just started writing up a critique of everything he said. Like sure, inheritance and intergenerational wealth play NO role at all dude, just grind more. What metaphysical bullshit. Tbh if they keep pushing this class collaboration, idealistic view of the world just to act like we need to work harder, I’m gonna look for a new job.


Is it just me, or does 1985 Bears Coach Mike Ditka look like he could’ve been the leader of a Central/Eastern European Communist Republic in the late 50s-80s? I can’t unsee it now.


Right as I was getting off work after a horrible day, an old lib coworker cussed me out and called me a Bolshevik. I responded with a number of redacted responses because my last day is in 2 days. Part of me wants to go to HR just to fuck with him. Idk tho, I was really pissed in the moment, now just sorta laughing at it. He said his mom punched a Bolshevik🤣


I will put in a poll in the comments, only upvote the comment that applies. Obv you can make other comments but for voting purposes just choose one.


I love my current job, it’s unionized, we get weekly pay, the managers are some of the kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, let alone work alongside of, I get plenty of breaks and reading time when I’m not busy, I get Saturdays off and additional Sunday pay. But two things suck, the coworkers and the pay. One of my coworkers is an old Lib that was very Pro Ireland and we talked for a bit but he’s TERRIFIED of Soviets, like he’s literally spooked by me bc I wear a USSR jacket and Ushankas in winter. I also had a coworker that claimed to be Jesus. Yep, they thought they were the Son of God sent down to redeem humanity’s sinners. He also claimed to have been in the military, a few cults and a few mafias and eventually got fired for calling a young black coworker the Hard-R N-slur, so he was a piece of work. You could never trust what he says and would love to cockblock people. Very odd guy, tough to feel sorry for him but I kinda do, he’s obviously not all there. With all that craziness out of the way, I’m interviewing for a new position that makes like 2-3x as much as my current job and a lot more professional than a grocery. Technically the title of this post is a TINY bit misleading because I already did the interview early this morning. I had to look up stuff about the company and slob a whole bunch of corporate knob to make me seem interested in the job without sounding desperate. If it went well I go on to Interview #2 in-person, if THAT goes well, I get the job. Hopefully I never have to see that crazy wannabe Jesus dude again.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 6 months ago

The incentives they give for people to join are disgusting. “Hey, tired of living in a country that we built to break you down and barely afford to live? Well, I mean if you really want out, you could, idk, maybe join up with the military, get some free healthcare, some money, a Camaro…or you could continue scraping by and hopefully you don’t get sick or injured or miss a few days of work. Just putting options out there for ya, you know, food for thought.” It’s so insidious

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 43 points 6 months ago

I’m glad this country is so stable that Fucking Garlic can strike fear into our hearts, great sign for us

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 37 points 7 months ago

I think I speak for most everyone when I say that this isn’t based, but marginally better than the Nazis that Ukraine brings into their ranks and radicalize other troops to accept Fascist-friendly brigades. Everyone here should criticize Russia in their many faults at the same time. That’s the beauty of the Dialectical Method, we can point out shortcomings and successes and address them as they are, not how we would like them to be.


I understand that nothing can be done to remedy the disgusting behavior that Chauvin did, but goddamn does it feel nice to see something like this. Chauvin spent a lot of his career tossing people into prison and was made an infamous part of US history in the 21st century when he brutally beat, chokes and murdered George Floyd. The 2 had worked together in the past, if Chauvin’s crime on its own wasn’t already 1st degree murder, that fact puts it over the top. To see someone like that in prison, and to know that he’s getting stabbed and living in fear, like the people he terrorized, well it doesn’t right any wrongs, but it’s something that you love to hear.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

I’ve only learned about her today, and I found [https://apnews.com/article/germany-politics-wagenknecht-new-party-4afbec16f56bbacc46629771263398b8](this article, which despite being liberal, doesn’t do a good job of making her sound scary and evil.) (a lil outdated tho)Are there good resources of her policies and political stances, everything I look up just says she’s “leftist” and I’m wondering what kind. It sounds positive because people are calling her “authoritarian left” aka actual functional left

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzhou@lemmygrad.ml

I know that Chiang Kai Shek ran away to Taiwan to continue the reactionary policies of the ROC. Although I admit that I don’t know as much about Taiwan and their connection with China as I would like. Has Taiwan always been a part of China? Do leftists in Taiwan care to join China or make their own communist state? Or is Taiwan independence mostly astroturfed? Sorry that I have so many questions, I want to learn more and searching for answers about Taiwan (especially about hypothetical independence scenarios) brings up “China, yay, 4000 years of history… Before IT , the unspeakable, happened!” Ok I’m exaggerating a bit lol but yk what I mean. Any answers are more than appreciated🫂🤗

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 50 points 9 months ago

Ben Norton is one of the best commentators on modern politics, it’s tough to find people who are Pro-Russia for THE RIGHT REASONS! There are a shitload of Pro-Russia people who are supporting them because Mainstream media is against them and they’re not full on Nazis (otherwise they’d support Ukraine) so they think that they must be good. These people would support ISIS just to be confrontational. Ben Norton actually talks about the Euromaidan, the Alley of Angels and US Imperialism. Uncritical support indeed🫡

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 9 months ago

No lie gun ranges are cool, 99% of the people that attend are not

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 10 months ago

It wouldn’t work out great but it would be way more fair than the current system tbh, at least then we would go to war with other US states and not fuck around in Syria and Libya and Taiwan.

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 61 points 10 months ago

I have to say that I feel like the Chinese Revolution of 1949 has been utterly betrayed and sold out. Things used to be great. Now? A Marxist-Leninist? Truly dark and unprecedented times in China. I supported them until now, I can’t support Extremism smh Free TaibetJiang

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 39 points 10 months ago

Smh so disappointing they’re like “well we have agricultural safety concerns and we aren’t sure that the policy would work as intended…so let them starve instead nothing we can do so sad”

[-] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 55 points 10 months ago

Y’know people like to point to this and be like “oh so you guys refuse to debate? You must be afraid that your echo-chamber is not as secure as you think, I have some points that will really make you re-evaluate your stances” and yea at first glance any normal person will be like, ok let’s hear them out… now skip ahead like 3 years… those Mastur-debators were proven wrong and given book recommendations to help better define terms, better help understand key aspects of theory and class struggle/ societal structuring of class antagonisms, and history. You would think the Mastur-debators would be like “huh, I don’t actually know as much about Marxism-Leninism or Dial-Mat, etc. as much as I thought” but no! New ones pop up and ask the same questions, BEST CASE SCENARIO, they bring up a new point to be corrected. Worst case scenario: aka the most common one, they just parrot back the same talking points as the last one did, and we have to shut down debate and be like “bruh we already covered this please read this, I’m not typing out a whole 4 paragraphs, this is on you to do your research next time” and all of a sudden we’re tankies that don’t wanna debate because we’re afraid of it.

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