[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 2 points 16 hours ago

Probably because it's a gameplay abstraction? The alternatives are to either have a full supply chain of all things your people need to live and pay them with goods, which would be really complex and not very historical, OR you hire workers and pay them even if they're sitting around but then many players see that as a sort of timer and source of unpleasant stress.

Money is just a convenient abstraction for allocated resources in either case.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 6 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Idk how the USSR or it's republics did accounting, but even under socialist conditions it would be conceivably helpful to account for building construction on a per unit basis because it lets city planners evaluate the relative value of labor and resources being put into a building.

For example if you have two sites where you can build the same apartment block but one is flat ground and another is hilly or marshy ground, then it makes sense to calculate the amount of labor, additional resources, and specialized equipment you would need to level the slope or build extra foundations on the swamp.

Lots of companies and organizations also carry out internal accounting where they invisibly pretend to pay themselves and their own divisions for work because it allows management to see where money is being used and how much.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 23 points 18 hours ago

"I'm sorry sir, we're out of unlimited geno-cide on AmeriKKKa and the WeSSt"

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 21 points 18 hours ago

Last time I flew Tokyo to Beijing on China Eastern they served a meal. Just a 3 hour flight at kinda an awkward time so I didn't even expect it.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

How much is it a factor that America has at will employment where the employer can fire the worker for arbitrary reasons like taking all of their leave?

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 16 points 1 day ago

Dr Disrespect for the Age of Consent

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 38 points 1 day ago

Israel looking at the history of indiscriminate terror bombing failing to compell surrender: "I can fix her."

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

Pay isn't ownership but if you want to be sure that people are property paid then a profit sharing bonus is much better than simply calculating a wage increase because profit sharing accounts for the yearly variance in business performance.

Wages are much harder to adjust in most places and can't be pinned to a variable factor like business performance.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 34 points 1 day ago

Please never take legal advice from random people on the internet. Something like this is too specific to local laws for anyone to give you meaningful advice unless they know all the details.

Find a local lawyer and call their office. Most will give you a free consultation to begin with.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 42 points 1 day ago

Quantifying emotional distress with money is always a crapshoot. That's why I think the parents of the Sandy Hook kids should be allowed to shoot Alex Jones and then claim he was a crisis actor.

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 17 points 1 day ago

"Is upholding fascist racial supremacy wrong? No, I've merely been upholding the fascist racial supremacy of the wrong people."

[-] Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net 94 points 1 day ago

I find it extremely funny how it pivots straight from "most Ukrainians have never seen a black person irl so they might stare at you" into "so anyway, they might call you the n word and a monkey".

Doubly funny because (white) Americans love to say shit like "Asia is the most racist because I went there once and people stared at me and asked me for photographs".

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Posting the original Reuters link because it's very useful when sending to libs.

I absolutely despise how every single Angloid "liberal democracy" is constantly looking under its bed for Chinese influence ops but whenever an American or English op gets discovered everyone just pretends it didn't happen.

This one got innocent and vulnerable people in the Philippines killed and Marcos is still lining up the whole country to be Pacific Ukraine.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.


Please immediately report any revisionists imploring you to "let people enjoy things" to your nearest Party Disciplinary Committee.

Link to original (tweet author is an Atlantic Council ghoul)


Chinese influencer sprays "toilet" on steele at Yasukuni War Crimes Shrine, records himself pissing on it, then flys back to China and gloats. Japanese far rightoids malding and seething, with a holocaust-denying plastic surgeon offering 10 million yen as a reward for his arrest.


It's also been reported on Westoid and Japanese media so you can search up an article if you want. Reason I'm linking to the tweet is that it has the video and all the English language news is incredibly biased (i.e. no mention of why a Chinese person might not like Yasukuni Shrine until the very last paragraph).



Party leader doubling down on it:

Leave it to the libertarians to decry kids eating quinoa and sushi as extravagant while they feast on the finest imported American brainworms.




When Communists hold power, too often we still let libs get away with their petty obstructions and wrecking.


Let's fucking GOOOOO! Unlimited findings of Genocide against WeSSt Germany.

The global south has listened and doubted for decades to the West claiming that international institutions served all equally. Now even they are forcing these institutions to back their empty words with action or be revealed as hypocrites.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Tankiedesantski@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

The article is still biased as hell and couched in the usual "China had" scare language, but here's a few good quotes.

China’s carbon emissions have either peaked already or will do this winter, seven years ahead of schedule. They may plateau for a year or two but will then go into exponential decline for mechanical and unstoppable reasons.

The country’s target of net zero by 2060 is likely to be achieved a decade earlier than previously assumed, and perhaps earlier than in Europe.

Lauri Myllyvirta, co-founder of the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, says China has reached a structural tipping point where the roll-out of renewables is outpacing the rise in electricity demand.

“A drop in power-sector emissions in 2024 is essentially locked in. We’re likely to see a fall in total CO2 emitted in the first half of next year,” he said.

At the risk of overtaxing the reader’s appetite for figures, it is worth spelling out the enormity of what China is doing. The China Electricity Council says the country will add 210 GW of solar this year, twice the entire solar capacity installed in the US to date.

It is not going to stop there. Carbon Brief says China’s output of solar panels was 310 GW in 2022; it will be 500 GW in 2023; and 1000 GW in 2025 – four times the total installation of new solar worldwide last year.

Regarding the scare point of new Chinese coal plants:

The regime is approving two new coal plants a week. It does not mean what many in the West think it means. China is adding one GW of coal power on average as back-up for every six GW of new renewable power. The two go hand in hand.

“The more renewable energy used, the more the need for coal peaking capacity. A large number of coal power units will be idle,” says Chinese coal expert Li Ting.

Obligatory Westoid nonsense about how Xi is evil and he just wants to take over the world with his sinister measures to protect the environment.

Xi seeks global supremacy. He was never going to let climate worries alone hold back China’s rise. But today the two are in perfect alignment. Clean-tech has become the spearhead of China’s global economic conquest, and this changes the thrust of Beijing’s climate diplomacy.

It is no longer possible for foot-draggers to hide behind China. As Chinese emissions roll over and go into free-fall, Xi will become an even bigger problem for them than Western preachers.


Intentionally or unintentionally.

I once played a game of Pictionary where the word was "Israel". Person on the other team gets up and draws a Star of David and a yamulke and a kind of crude but fairly identifiable map of Israel.

Her team member absolutely does not get what's happening and keeps guessing completely unrelated things. When time is up, the person drawing was really exasperated and said "It's ISRAEL! How can you not recognize the country of Israel?!"

Her teammate, without missing a beat, just said "Pfffft, Israel isn't a real country".

I talked to the based team mate afterwards and she was just a standard lib who was bad at geography.

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