Not the Onion's best work, if I'm honest. Feels like C-grade material.
The Onion
The Onion
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
- The Onion
- Clickhole
- McSweeney's
- Reductress
- The Chaser
- The Hard Times
- The Needling
- Tattletale Times
- The Beaverton
"No, the only Christmas movies are movies I SAY are Christmas movies!" ~ Dan Rice / Chat GPT
Imagine caring what other people consider a holiday movie? Dan sounds like a miserable person who will go through your movie collection and call them all horse shit and demand you and your group watch a 4 hour movie about a woman brushing a horse and proclaiming It to be true art.
I stopped reading at his banal prologue. Don't invite Dan over for movie night, for he is armed with a Chat Bot and a thesaurus.
There really is only a small handful of pre-approved opinions on the internet that you're allowed to have. Some people need to virtue signal so damn hard every year that they're a REAL die hard fan, and it's like, okay bud, it's a mega blockbuster hit that hundreds of millions of people have watched for 35 years. Chill.