I personally think he wanted to be caught on purpose.
I feel like he could be on TV but the majority of the public puts that in the back of their mind and not something they are looking out for. I really think it's this guy and he had a message from his now deleted YouTube videos that were supposed to be released after he was caught. We will never know unless he shares more in court what is going on. The only lead I have seen is his review of Teds book, and how much it spoke of someone fed up with the system and making a point that "those who don't stand up to commit violence are cowards or the accused" or among those lines.
I still think it's him. To me it looked similar.
And people will lap this up as a genuine Amazon worker. Disgusting.
hmm interesting review.
someone offered a service here to just host my own. im in the process of doing that.
I might go for the 2GB one as its more affordable.
We are supposed to use metric here in my country, but because of American influence, we use imperial.
why using my own domain?
I have a domain name from namecheap im not using. self hosting is not possible. i could web host but wouldn't that get pricey?
Are we going down that rabbit hole?