[-] AceSLS@ani.social 2 points 17 hours ago

This won't go well

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Not really, it just depends on the mods you wanna use. Some are AE only, some SE only... Most should support both though

Also SE is just one version, while AE had many minor updates

Downgrade Patcher

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Except that ad blockers also provide protection against malware, phishing and tracking. Having no ad blocker on is like having a one night stand over and over again without ever using a condom. Might work out for years on end, until you finally get infected

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 1 points 2 days ago

So, I looked those mods up and they're versioning seems like a mess

Is there a reason you're on AE? Has been a while that I've modded Skyrim but back then downgrading to SSE was the way to go

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 3 points 2 days ago

What Skyrim version are you on? What Skyhim version do those mods require? Should be easy as that

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 45 points 3 days ago

Relevant last place comic:

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 6 points 3 days ago

All of them.

Biggest difference a distro does is their update cycle and how much the distro "takes care" of you. Some of them do everything behind the scenes to make it just work. Others need more user interaction to reach the same state (but tend to teach you the inner workings too, which will open up a LOT of customization)

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 8 points 3 days ago

I'm sure this won't be abused like everything browsers allow websites to do

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 108 points 3 weeks ago

They store it unencrypted in 2024? This should be illegal. Now every fucking Program you run can basically know everything you ever did since every shit is spyware nowadays to get that sweet data collection going

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 131 points 3 weeks ago

Imagine having no internet for real when setting up Windows. I guess the hardware you bought is useless then

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 83 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

the kicker: she's an employee of a local catholic parish.

Not surprising at all, without misleading and lying to people no religion would gain mass traction

[-] AceSLS@ani.social 63 points 3 months ago

This is by design, keeping the mass dumb makes it easier to trick them

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