
joined 1 year ago

Listen to it, it's pretty good. The group that made it also created arrangement albums for various Falcom games and this time some pro composers like Raita and Eichiro Yanagi have also contributed

[–] 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I feel like I have lost my identity after 1year of job-searching and subsequently work. I don't understand how things came to this point, I feel like all of my personality has crushed by the 9-5. Does everyone feel this hollow or am I that unable to exist

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I think it counts the countries with NATO bases as occupied which I think is fair, there is no way those countries can do whatever they want with yankee boots on their soil

[–] 15 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I have to expunge the last bits of liberalism from myself. Shit like still eating meat once in a while, not wearing a mask when out with friends and ordering delivery when too tired to cook like a fucking treatlord. This site has unironically helped me in a ton of ways and I thank every one of you for this

Work has broken my mind to the extent that I regressed to wanting to buy shiny Yu-Gi-Oh cards even if I know its a bad idea. My job isn't even that hard but it's still exhausting to have to take the 1h commute, mask and socialize, stress over my responsibilities and fake working even if my energy reserves are done for the day.

I don't understand if I am just naturally lazy or if the autism+ADHD combo is making this harder than it is for NTs.

If I didn't have my gf I don't know if I would be able to stand this situation. I barely manage to now, only by taking drugs and eating emotionally (I have reached my max weight so far).

At least I do some fun stuff from time to time like playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time (it was one of my childhood hyperfixations), watching quality media such as Twin Peaks with my gf and playing with the yugioh cube I assembled with the few friends I still have.

Void Stranger but I am not sure if the essaybros have found it

[–] 35 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I can picture a type of person that would enjoy Elden Ring for its artistic value but suck at games due to reasons outside their control (bad reaction times, poor concentration, sensory processing difficulties etc) or even due to not having enough time to "git gud". Why shouldn't they have their easy mode? Other mediums aren't that inaccessible to people

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It's absolutely ableist. My ADHD makes me worse at games for sure (and also way less able to tolerate punishing design such as the Dark Souls corpse runs), also some things like tapping rapidly I just can't do at all. The only answer gamer bros have for me is "git gud" or its even worse evolution "skill issue".

It really triggers the RSD sometimes but what can you do, I just play easier slop now (especially since work has crushed my soul) and have more fun. I would actually love a website that lists the bullshit in each game like infrequent checkpoints, difficulty spikes, lack of quest markers etc so I can know to avoid them.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)
  1. CrossCode (banger jazz fusion+prog OST, zelda-like dungeons, decent story about self-acceptance, great combat and bosses)
  2. Katamari Damacy (cozy, banger OST, wacky gameplay)
  3. ZeroRanger (GOATed OST, great aesthetic and story-gameplay integration)
  4. OFF (disturbing atmosphere and a story that's up to interpretation, artistically brilliant imo)
  5. Xanadu Next (japanese isometric dungeon crawler similar to Diablo but without the random loot and with a different build system, the music and atmosphere is pretty good, I also thought the story was pretty decent, make sure you collect all the records if you play it)
  6. Trails in the Sky trilogy (JRPGs with a great positional battle system, banger music and very charming and well written characters. Also, the world building is great. The next game in the series lost the charm imo, but most people like it as much)
  1. Ys: The Oath in Felghana (isometric action JRPG with gameplay that is a mixture of hack&slash, bullet hell and platformer, it's pretty unique. Also yhe music is good)
[–] 4 points 2 months ago

The issue is sitting on a desk instead of a couch for even more of the day. I already had a low tolerance for such game systems (dunno if it's the ADHD), so now it's absolutely demolished and I feel you

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

First full-time employment, and employment in general.

[–] 9 points 2 months ago

I would love to, but I work in a huge open office so people could see what I was doing instead of pretending to work after my energy reserves have run out


I am sitting on a desk PC the whole day at work, which I believe has caused my ability to play games on my PC to diminish. I have found the following solutions, so I am asking to see if any of you has done something like that:

  1. Buy a console (the easiest)
  2. Connect the PC and the TV to a router to form an Ethernet LAN, and stream from the PC to the console using Steam Link
  3. Connect the GPU's HDMI output to the TV's and the computer screen's inputs using a 1x2 HDMI switch

With solutions (2) and (3) converting the PC to a console so I can sit on the couch and relax.

Also, have you found your tastes change after starting work? I used to be into games with complex stories and/or challenging gameplay but now I feel to tired for that.



My gf has the correct political vibes so to speak, but no theoretical basis or knowledge of history. However, she is interested in watching documentaries on the subject, so which are the ones you found most valuable? Thanks in advance


I am in the interview process for a job in a research group and it is going well so far. The only issue is that I was attracted to the person that interviewed me and I am going to be working with if I get hired.

My girlfriend is the most important person in the world for me so I don't want to risk catching feelings for someone else, but I also need to find a job if I am to rent a place to finally live with her.

What would you do in my case? Would you stop the interview process and try to find a job elsewhere or would you go for it and trust that you would do the right thing?

This question might sound deranged to you, but I have the full autism/ADHD/OCD combo so I am very out of touch with how the average person thinks.


I reduced my 150mg / day dosing by just 10mg and I already feel depressed, very irritable and self harming out of nowhere for the last 3 days. Am I doing this too fast?


For me it is Rabbit & Steel, bc I want to play bullet hell FFXIV with my gf:

Other than that and Silksong (never ever) I don't have anything else on my radar for 2024 and beyond (it doesn't help that I am picky)

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

She is at the point where she has a work-related breakdown at least once per week, and wants to quit her job. If that's what it takes for her to get better I am completely fine with it, but I can't help but think that this would happen in any job, because:

  1. She wants to work the exact hours listed in her contract, without counting breaks of any kind so she effectively works more than 8 hours per day. She doesn't want to cheat her employer, despite knowing about wage theft.

  2. She doesn't want to inconvenience anyone, so she consents to doing things that are too much for her. The biggest offender here are the work trips, she is very introverted and socialization tires her out, especially considering that she fakes her facial expressions and the way she speaks in order to fit in, so having to do that for 4 consecutive days with her coworkers is really taxing for her. Despite that, she goes anyways, because she doesn't want to inconvenience her manager and coworkers and comes back in a worse state than before she left. This also applies to working on things she doesn't like, which might have been avoided if she tried speaking to her manager (who is a pretty decent person luckily).

I have also been burnt out during uni, and from experience know that if you don't stop on your terms, when your body and mind "tell" you you are at your limit, you are going to collapse in a much worse manner, so I want to prevent this somehow. But I feel like I can't do anything except observe her walk a dangerous path without robbing her of her agency and that's frustrating. Does anyone have some ideas for this?


I promise I am not a reactionary, but I am somewhat uneducated on the subject so I might say something offensive accidentally, sorry in advance about that.

So, does gender dysphoria stem from a disconnect between the body and some "gender socialization" function of the brain, which could be solved by getting socialized and treated by everyone as the correct gender from the start, or something that stems from a disconnect between the brain and the actual body parts and hormones, so the transition is needed to alleviate that, or both?


I tried Prozac but it didn't help a lot and I found my gf so I didn't want the sexual side effects, then after a lot of anxiety tried Lyrica and it worked decently for a bit less than a year but I think that now it doesn't help that much (either because my circumstances are more anxiety inducing in general or because of tolerance).

There aren't that many CBT therapists in my country either let alone ERP specialists (most are talk therapists or psychoanalysts). I'm not sure how much it would help anyways because I mainly have mental obsessions which might are more difficult to prevent.

What did you do in a similar position? Did you manage to find some semblance of inner peace? Thanks for your time


Is there any hope for a revolution? The country isn't as wealthy as other imperial core countries, but it seems to me that even if the KKE managed to garner enough support and revolted, we would probably get invaded by Turkey, and I imagine the inverse is also true. Is the only way out of this a concurrent revolution in both countries?


I find it hard to believe that your family could starve to death just from some mistakes but I might be in the "too positively biased against AES" stage of my radicalization journey

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