I'm gonna go ahead and say that it's weird all the way around. Any gender combo for kid/parent/audience.

Out of nowhere, I logged in like a month ago. Everything was still there (at least, my friends list was). Hadn't logged in since the early 2000s. A few weeks later, I heard it was being shuttered. Weird.

85453462 . Burned into my memory forever.

I'm putting good money down that they either have mass surrenders, or they're just too malnourished to fight.

Possibly both.

Oh, oh! Or they refuse to come back from Russia, and that pisses off NK .

"exclusive new content" == "some of the stuff we left out last time, maybe"

Not a lawyer: I've never seen it be an issue if whoever's running the site isn't pretending to be something they're not. Take that for what you will.

lol I'm not your fediverse curator. You searched Facebook for the right group, search here.

Using "I need facebook because groups" on a network literally built to expose users to groups is like telling your waiter you need your fridge because it has all the food you like. Why are you at the restaurant?

Hey, I've been a Linux gamer for many, many years, and before Steam Deck it was exclusively on nVidia hardware (mostly because I also wanted CUDA cores for Blender).

You're literally posting to an interconnected network of groups, organized by their interests, that isn't Facebook.

I can't let this interrobang go unmentioned/unappreciated. Good to see you, old friend...

We need to prepare for the future where there is no jobs and AI replaced all of them.

You seem to think that the natural extension of this is that everyone who used to have a job continues to flourish, and doesn't die in the gutter because they have no money/shelter/food.

The naivity would be adorable, if it weren't also extremely dangerous and playing directly into rich assholes' plans to bleed everything dry for themselves.

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