[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 1 points 1 day ago

What is a difficult boss for your build can be a super easy boss for someone else's build.

First time I beat malenia I didn't understand what people were talking about. She was so easy. Because my build poise broke her non stop and I could essentially stun lock her to death. (Lv 150)

Wasn't until I played against her on my second character that I understood what a monumental challenge she can be.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

You really are something else. I strongly disagree that you showed my argument was faulty.

They made a piece of art. You chose to buy it knowing what it was. Git gud

No. I chose to buy Bloodborne because people convinced me that wasn’t the case. Git blocked.

We both know the conversation is about Elden Ring and not Bloodborne. But I suppose you have nothing better to respond with.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 2 points 1 day ago

It is a great apple to apple comparison. What you did was walk in, get upset that the vegan restaurant only served vegan food. So you came back with your own home-cooked meal to sit down and eat.

The reason you don't like it is because it highlights just how ridiculous you are in your complaint.

They made a piece of art. You chose to buy it knowing what it was. Git gud

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 days ago

I just hope they make an upgraded Stram Controller.

I bought it when it came out. Been using it ever since. Still holds up and legit feels so great in your hands. I really have no idea what I will do the day mime breaks.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

You have so many options to make it easier.

You can summon spirit ashes. You can level your character to become stronger. You can summon NPCs and player for boss fights.

I don't like those options. So I don't do that. I make it harder on myself, by forgoing those options, I want the challenge of doing it alone.

But if YOU want to make it easier, and slide the difficulty down. And summon ashes or npcs or other players, You can do that. You have that option.

You bought a game that you knew would be full of "difficult" bosses, from a company that has never had an official "difficulty slider" on any of their games in this genre. And now you sit and complain about there not being an official "difficulty slider".

Do you also go to a vegan restaurant and complain they're not inclusive because you can't order meat?

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 0 points 2 days ago

And so does Elden Ring. Your inability to find it is not unlike you inability to find a spicy curry.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

Except they're not. You can summon other players to your world to help you at every step of the way.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 6 points 2 days ago

You mean like summoning NPCs and other players to your world to help you defeat the boss?

No one is gatekeeping anything just because you don't agree with the art the artist has created.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 9 points 2 days ago

If you don't like spicy food. Don't buy spicy food. They're not gatekeeping food from you. You have other options.

If you don't want to "git gud". You can use summoned spirits. NPCs, other players. There already is a difficulty slider. It's one you set for yourself.

You always have the option to come back when you're stronger. The boss is not going anywhere.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 days ago

Why would you possibly think it's good news for Ukraine?

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 7 points 6 days ago

I'm on a lv 150, no ng. I have not finished the DLC yet. But I've beaten two remnamce bosses so far (no summons). And while they were difficult and full of bullshit as usual. It was simply a matter of getting good.


When will people learn? Seriously. They keep touching fire and act equally surprised every time they get burned.

No Man's Sky. (Great now but holy hell was it a shit show)


Diablo IV

Far Cry 6


And now this latest Assasins Creed: Mirage.

Probably forgetting plenty of recent releases too that just faded into nothingness.

Personally, I'll be starting Batman Arkham Asylum this weekend. Heard it was pretty good. Should keep me busy for a while.

[-] Atomic@sh.itjust.works 137 points 10 months ago

Why are they getting so much attention for it?

Nintendo does the same with BoTW and ToTK. Long dev cycles that releases a functional game without micro-transactions.

FromSoft does the same with most of their games. Where people actually beg them to release DLCs.

But no... it's Larion they seem to go after.

Nintendo is huge. FromSoft has their own cult. But Larion? What's can they blame there? Nothing. Most big studios that bitch about this is larger than Larion. Maybe because they are more scared that if Larion can do it. There's no excuse anymore.

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